Chapter 2

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Wishes Beyond Pleasure
(Chapter 2)


Xym's POV

I stood up and pushed back the man who saved me so that I didn't fall off the floor.

I know this man, his smell, his appearance, and more importantly, his expression. If only I knew he was the one who would save me, I would have let myself fall on the floor.

"Why do you look so upset, Xymielle—"

"My name is Xenon Ymielle, not Xymielle!" I snapped at him. All he does is grin at me. This man is not supposed to be here. He really gets into my nerves.

He said, "Right, Xymielle for short," and then chuckled as though he hadn't heard my corrections. I simply gave a headshake. Why him, when there are so many people I may meet and see? He is the least person I want to meet in this lifetime.

I pulled Ara by the wrist who was just looking at us stupidly. She shouldn't thank that guy. Why did she even do that?

He said, "Still the classic, Xymielle. After everything that happened," before we could go. I paused my steps and inhaled deeply. I hope this is just a dream. Tell me that I'm dreaming, please, because this is not occurring. Then he added, "Why, Xymielle? You used to give me the brightest smile of yours-"

"Enough Jameson, that was all in the past," I replied. I just sat on the chair, no longer paying attention to his presence. Jameson couldn't respond since our professor arrived right on schedule.

Whatever it was between the two of us before, I have buried it in oblivion. I didn't know that he's studying here.

Ara said, "You know him?" At this, I arched an eyebrow.

"Ara, why did you thank me for that?" I hissed. Ara sighed.

"Of course, he helped you-"

I raised an eyebrow and asked, "Seriously? Ara?"

"Come on, Xym. Be rational, if not because of him-"

Ara stopped talking when she saw my sneer. She seemed to understand that I don't want to discuss the identity of that individual, so she remained silent. That dude irritates me so much.

"Okay, I understand," she answered, paying close attention to our professor as he talked about the front.

Some time has passed and it's time to go home. Ara and I used to walk together. However, our amicability ends at the field. She needs to go home with her brother, while I will just walk to the dormitory where I am staying.

"Message me Xym if we're going to study, my brother will be driving for me later," she said goodbye. I just nodded and waved at her. She got on and waved back to me. We need to study because we have a lengthy quiz tomorrow on our Major subject.


I didn't go home to the apartment first and thought to sit and watch in the Grandstand (those ladder-like seats opposite the field). I need to unwind. I'm still annoyed.

I remembered what happened earlier. I saw Jameson's face again. I haven't seen him for almost two years and then I will know that he is studying here?

I pulled out my own hair and let out a sigh. I needed to vent my anger so I started writing on the backpage of my notebook.

Everything I jotted down in my notebook. There, I let all of my frustration out. My blood gets hot when I think of the past between us.

Jameson Reigh Loreno!

That ungrateful man. He didn't even pay attention to our friendship back then and then if he could act earlier he thought he didn't do anything wrong with me.

I was sitting quietly by myself when suddenly someone sat next to me. I didn't realize it right away because I was focused on letting out my annoyance.

"Hey, what's up?" inquired Ken. He was still holding the basketball, panting and drenched in sweat. I turned to Kenzho right away and set down my notebook. "What are you doing? Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine, of course," I replied. I had already placed my notebook in my bag when he attempted to peek inside. Jameson and I met, but he can't know about it.

Knowing Kenzho, he will definitely attack Jameson. Kenzho knows almost everything about me. He is also my best friend since we were in high school.

"Are you sure?" He asked. His forehead was still furrowed as he stared at me as if doubting what I was doing.

"Yeah, I'm very very fine. You? Are you okay?" I said. It appears to be from a practice run. It is still donning a jersey uniform bearing the Jinx emblem and the university's logo. It was nearly drenched in sweat and panting.

"Yes, but just tired. The Sports League starts next month, so all the varsity players are rehearsing," he replied. This field is breezy and pleasant. It will at least take the edge off of his body heat.

I suddenly remembered. I immediately took my handkerchief and tumbler from my bag.

"You're very fortunate because I have a water here," I said and then handed him the handkerchief and tumbler.

"Oh that's great! Thank you, Xym. You're the sweetest friend I've ever had," he said then ruffled my hair. I immediately removed his hand and my hairstyle might be ruined forever. "And the cutest," he added.

"Stop it, besides, there is a fee for the water!" I'm just kidding. We both laughed.

I observe Kenzho's face closely again. He really has a certain elegance, he seems to enjoy the water he drinks because his adam's apple moves every time he swallows. He truly exudes an air of elegance. It also has extremely lovely eyes. Everyone who gazes at it seems to be submerged in its gaze. That's it, he's really a playboy, therefore it's understandable why no woman picks him.


I still recall him saying that his independence should be celebrated each time they broke up with one of his women.

"Uhm... Xym?"

In high school, I used to simply shake my head at its antics. I'm hoping that this will alter. I'm hoping he'll find the one someday who can change him.

"Xym? Are you listening?" I suddenly came to my senses and returned to the present. My thoughts are too deep. I didn't realize that I had been staring at Kenzho. It seems to be asking me something too.

I answered, "Huh? What did you say again?" I'm still lightheaded. It's awkward; while I'm staring at him, he might even assume that I like him.

He grinned as he gave me the tumbler. Someone could get weak from that smile. That is the extent of his smile's power.

"I said, is the person you were with earlier a classmate of yours?" He said. I gave a nod. Ara may be making reference to it.

I said, "Yes, but why?"

He remarked, "She's cute." I paused for a second before focusing on his actions. His eyes appeared to be gleaming and he was grinning. I took a while to process what he had said. "Can I have her Facebook name and her number??"

I don't know but my world suddenly stopped when I heard it. I don't even know how to react to what he said.

"S-Sure," I forced a smile. I don't know why I reacted like this. I don't understand myself either. "Her FB name is A-Ara..."

It's still smiling at me and waiting for every letter I say. I can't continue what I'm saying either. Why is Ara's FB name so hard to say? Is it because Kenzho is the one asking for her name?

"A-Arabella Lourd," I finally said. He immediately tapped his cell phone. After a while he smiled again.

He questioned, "Is that it?" I forced another smile, nodded, and continued. He responded, "Thank you, Xym," and got to his feet. He told me he had to go because he had other business to attend to.

I don't understand. I don't get it. Why am I feeling sad? This emotion is new to me. I feel like something wrong is happening to me. Since I feel that way, in some way...

Feeling of jealousy?

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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