Please come back

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A knock on the door at 9 am. I opened it and saw a bouquet of flowers. Kyle must've sent them to me. The letter read to my love I miss you. Excited I called Kyle to thank him for his gift. "Thank you for the flowers" "flowers I didn't send any" he said. "Oh this is odd" Kyle interrupted "hey I have to go I'll call you back" he hung up. A knock at the door startled her. She wasn't expecting company, she opened the door and was shocked. Her ex husband was at her door with tears in his eyes. "Honey you are so beautiful I miss you" he said. Anger arise in me and I slam my door as hard as I could. He bangs on the door "please I won't leave until you hear me out". I opened the door with tears running down my face. "Why are you bothering me, you hurt me and I gave you what you wanted. I was never good enough for you" I yelled. He fell to his knees "I know I know I was a piece of shit and terrible to you. I deserve everything that happened to me. My life been miserable since you left. You're so beautiful honey please come back" he said hugging her waist. He felt comfort and warmth in her that he missed in Haley. She wasn't warm and caring and was terrible. "Get off of me no leave me alone". He refused to let go of her "I'm sorry please forgive me and we can start over and live well. I'll fix everything, and we can have a baby" he said. "I'm in love with my boyfriend, he loves me and he makes me whole, he healed me. I don't love you anymore". "Don't say that you do we just have a split but we can come back I promise" he pleaded. "Go you hurt me enough" Kay said. "You think he loves you, you just a job he can fix I was honest with you. We can raise the kid together, and I get rid of Haley he said grabbing her arm hurting her. Kay angered slapped his face. "You selfish man you're hurting me and you want to use me as step mom and money no. I moved on from you and even if Kyle and me were to break up I still wouldn't get back with you" she said. He gets up "it's not over" he said as he left in his car. Kay panicked and drove to Kyle home her house didn't feel safe anymore. She got to safety and broke down crying all the painful memories came flooding back. She texted Kyle everything and laid in his bed. She had a safe blanket at his house and wrap herself until she fell asleep. Kyle rushed home and saw her on the bed. "Honey I'm here please he will never hurt you again" he said. "It all came flooding back the cheating, the isolation, the baby, everything, I feel like my heart is broken again" she said quietly. "Hey I'm here don't worry about him I love you and you're everything to me". He hugged her and kissed her head here get warm I'll make you something to eat". He took care of her for the rest of the night. "I'm sorry I am helpless" she said. "No honey you're valid he should have never came back" he said holding her tight. She fell asleep but he was furious he kept his emotions in for her but his jealousy and anger rose. Morning came he went to work after checking on his girlfriend. She was sleeping peacefully and was better than yesterday. As he work one of his coworkers came to him "sir a guest wants to see you". Kyle confused because Kay at him home. He walked out and see no one other but Joseph the ex husband, his blood boiled. "What the f**k are you doing here" he asked. "Give me back my wife" he asked like he has the right. "Your ex wife who you abandoned, cheated, mistreated and had a baby with someone else" he snark back. "Why are you with her to feel like a hero" he asked. Kyle boiled "because she amazing and kind and an angel, you don't understand her". "You do?" He asked. "Yes I do" he asked. "Leave her alone" "f**k you I won't leave you" he said. "How much do I have to pay you I know your people will do anything for money". "say that shit again" Kyle said getting in his face. "K!*e" he said smirking. "I'm giving you 5 seconds to..." "leave her" he said pushing him. That was it for Kyle and he punched Joseph and slammed him into the hard ground and knee him in the chest and began punching him repeatedly until a coworker ran out and pulled him off. The coworker "don't lose your career over this I will call security to remove him". Kyle slowly calmed down "I'm good" he straightened his jacket and went to cool off. Joe picked himself up bloody and bruised and limp to his car defeat. Kyle calmed down and ask to be released for the rest of the day. He went to her home and immediately went to Kay. "Are you ok", she asked him hugging him feeling guilty. "I'm so sorry I bought this drama in your life like your ex wife". Kyle "no don't blame yourself, they did this you didn't seek out drama. I'm worried about your mental health". "Did you win the fight" she asked. "F**k yeah" he laughed. "I slapped him" "Hell yes"

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