Timothy Pov
"I don't know why those boys won't come back and work for me they were one of the best I had. They have to come back" I said picking up my scotch I had on my desk.
"Maybe because they didn't like what they had to do" one of sluts I kept around said. I reached across the desk and slapped her. She grabbed her face and whimpered. I have been spying on them ever since I found them. Calum's got a girlfriend named Lex, Luke's got a girlfriend named Minx, Ashton's got a girlfriend named Madison, and Michael's got a girlfriend named Kendrick. I wonder if I went and kidnapped them. Calum and the boys would come back. I smirked and got up from my seat it was almost 2a.m this would be the perfect time to get them.
Lex Pov
About midnight after talking to Calum's mom. I laid down on the couch with Calum who was still asleep because of the pain meds. About time I was about to close my eyes I heard screaming outside and it sounded like a girl. I walked outside and found they guy from the hospital. He was slapping around a girl about my age or older.
"Hey" I yelled.
"Just the person I wanted to see" he said pulling out a gun. I panicked I was tying to reach for the door but I was to far away. I didn't want to move in case he was going to shoot me. He started coming closer to me tears started down my face.
"Don't cry I wont kill you" he said snatching my arm. I tried pulling away he just held tighter the tears started coming faster.
"Hey stop" he said slapping me. I felt my lip swell and start bleeding. I turned around and faced him and spit the blood in his face. He looked at me and I saw him put his finger on the trigger of the gun. He faced it towards my leg and pulled the trigger. I screamed in pain. He laughed. My leg stared gushing blood I got light headed and I collapsed. I heard him snap and two big guy came over to me and picked me up and walked me to the car and threw me in and felt the car move and I got dizzy again and I passed out.
I woke up in extreme pain. I looked at my leg and it was wrapped in a old shirt. It was bleeding through the shirt I whimpered in pain. I looked around and saw I was in a concrete room no bed just me on the floor. There was a door a door with a small window with bars on it. I crawled over to the door and pulled myself up. I winced in pain.
"Where am I" I croaked out.
"Shut up" I heard someone say in a American accent.
"Help me" I said. I heard a chair creak and someone walked over. A big guy walked over and put his hands through the bars and put his huge hands around me neck.
"Shut up" he said and dropped me. I fell to the floor. I leaned against the wall and shut my eyes . There going to kill me.

The BOYZ with a back story
FanfictionLex, Madison, Minx, and Kendrick meet four new boys that they fall in love with but they boys have scary back stories that could ruin their relationship with the girls.