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Klaus held me by the arm, dragging me into a building I did not know. I didn't venture into the city often, but I could guess where we were.

The compound.

Where the Originals were rumored to live.

"If I do this, if I... heal your brother, will you let me go?"

"That depends on how deeply you've aligned yourself with Esther."

His hold was unrelenting. I'd no doubt have a bruise by the end of this. "I'm not, I swear."

Keep your goddamn mouth shut, Ezra.

As soon as Elijah wakes, I needed to be as far away from here as possible. The moment the opportunity presents itself, I have to take it.

Fuck me.

I hadn't fought him. There was no point.

How could I?

I had no claws, no fangs, no magic. I was a human who knew a little about supernatural anatomy. That was it.

Times like these I regret my choice. But it was done.

He pushed open the door to a room that found Elijah lying on a bed.  He was in his undershirt, so they'd gotten rid of the bloody one at least.

"Besides the Merlock he needs to wake, I want to know the full extent of what's happened." Well I already knew the answer to that. I'd seen Esther use her magic.

"What's wrong with him?"

"Tell me what you require." Klaus' grip tightened. "Harm Elijah in any way, and I will ensure you know the very depths of agony."

"A-" I cleared my throat, trying desperately to hide the thin tremble in my voice. "A bowl. Some water, and something to crush the flowers with. I don't know what I can do beyond getting him to wake up."

It was more mental damage.

Klaus was gone from where he stood.

Before I could take so much as a step in the direction of the door, he was back, everything I asked for in hand. 

Alright... different approach.

"I need to examine him first. There might be something else besides the Merlock that's keeping him asleep."

"Do what you must." He set the supplies on a small desk in the corner, and crossed his arms. "You may begin when you are ready."

I swallowed, and approached Elijah. He was twitching, sweat on his furrowed brow. Klaus was watching my every move as I began meticulously checking Elijah.

Aside from a few cuts here and there, everything seemed to be healing quite nicely, including the cut I'd given him blood for.

I found myself relaxing the more I fell into the familiar task.

His fever was still high, as in, if he were not already a vampire, I'd be trying to admit him to the hospital. Elijah's skin was boiling hot to the touch.

Did vampires have regular body temperatures?

"You've been fed on recently."

I jolted. "It's nothing."

"Strange for one working for Esther. She's not fond of the beasts she created."

"I'm not working for her. I don't even like her." If I was working for anyone, it'd be Jackson. "That's the real reason you kidnapped me. You wanted to interrogate me."

"Sweetheart, if I wanted to do that, you would be in a much different position."

"Then why?" I gently laid Elijah's arm against his side and turned to face him. "Merlock is easy. You quite literally crush it into a paste and apply it to a wound, something I have a feeling you already knew."

"Perceptive." Klaus smirked.

Good lord.

He always got what he wanted, didn't he?

"Thanks, I guess. He's fine, by the way. Nothing else seems wrong with him."

"Since Hayley decided she wanted to integrate herself in that pack, I've spent a lot of time ensuring I always have eyes and ears in that bayou."

What the fuck?

"Imagine my surprise when I've heard Hayley warned the pack healer, someone who is a self proclaimed unimportant nobody, to quote 'shut up about Elijah and Esther, anything Mikaelson'. Care to elaborate?"


He approached me slowly, and I instinctively backed up, only to be met with the bed. "I'd like you to understand your position here. This could quickly become unpleasant, should you choose to refuse me an answer again, or you could speak the truth."

Or I'll keep my fucking mouth shut like she said.

Then again, Klaus had a reputation, one I wasn't eager to test. "Esther and Ansel are obsessed with something and they think it involves me. Which it doesn't, I swear."

"And what is it they are obsessed with?"

"I have no idea what Ansel wants, but I- um," How would he react when he finds out what Esther really wanted? "Esther tried leveraging me to make Elijah agree to her deal."

"How might she accomplish that?"

"She said she was showing him memories he regretted. Then we were supposed to be married. I don't know the details, but she stuck us together in hopes that we'd bond."

"Elijah's muttering about a woman," Realization dawned on him. "You and she are one and the same."

"I assume so."

I guess they hadn't known 'the woman' and 'Ezra' were the same person.

He suddenly had the bowl in his hands. When had he disappeared? "Give me the Merlock."

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