-Chapter 10: Pheobe-

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April 29, 2024
Mr DeNoh's: Senior Classroom
Phoebe's POV

There were footsteps. The shooter walked away from the door and I sighed in relief. Some of the students looked around and started whispering. "Shh!" The teacher says, Students kept talking so a few student tried to get them to shut up before a senior whisper-yelled telling them to "all shut the fuck up."

I should contact Quinn again, trying to make sure she is still okay, and see if she got out. I pulled out my phone and tried to text. It went through, I just sent a real quick 'Did you make it out?' I hid my phone away again. Some students started to stand up.

The teacher went to the door and tried to peer out, the desks were still in the way. He opened the curtain and looked for a few seconds then closed it again and went back by us.

"Are they still out there?" A kid asks. The teacher shakes his head, a quick no. I sighed, hoping the shooter wouldn't come back to this classroom, to just go away. I wish this wasn't happening. I want this to be over already.

"Shouldn't we try to get out of here?" Another student says

"I need to find my siblings!"

"What about everyone else?"

"What about my friends?"

Students started asking questions all at one time. Voices started to get louder. My breath quickened. I don't want that person to come back. I want them to just shut up!

"Quiet!" The teacher says then he quiets down. "I know you have questions, I know you're scared and worried. I know you want to find your friends and siblings. But we need to focus right here, right now, in this classroom. We need to try and get out."

Some students nodded in agreement, I did. Bang, Bang, Bang. Even more shots rang out.

We could hear sirens. The police are coming. Thank god. Mr. DeNoh standed up. "Let's try to get out of here. The police are here so we may have some safety."

He asks some students to help move the desk as Mr DeNoh went and grabbed something off of his desk along with a clipboard. Maybe with our names on it?

Everyone was standing up. Mr DeNoh opened the door and peaked out again. He looked back out at us and motioned for us to follow.

We took a left towards the side stairs, and we started walking. When I came out of the door two bodies of students lay there. One of them had their eyes open, so I looked away.

We had to walk a little to get to the stairs then take them down and open the exit door. The door to freedom. Most of the doors to classrooms were open with desks laid out in the classroom after the shooter knocked it down. Empty Bullets laid in the hallway, in the classrooms.

Mr DeNoh stopped in front of a closed door, it was the only door closed down our hall. "Shannon," he whispered. "Get your class out of here." Why would he say something?! What if the shooter is behind that door waiting for someone to come up, to see if someone is still alive!

"I know you may not believe me but I'm taking my class and getting out of here. I think the police are also here." Mr DeNoh said again.

This time the door opened slowly, someone stepped out. A woman peaked out down the hallway where the class was anxiously waiting to get out of here. Can he hurry the hell up?!

The woman went back to her classroom for a few minutes. Students looked around, hoping, praying that the shooter wouldn't come back. "Can you hurry up? We want to get out of here before the shooter comes back and kills us all!" Someone said the person was closer to Mr DeNoh.

The women appeared again and filed out as Mr DeNoh started to walk down another hallway to the stairs. The woman who was in the classroom started walking and her class began filing out. Some limping others holding on to each other. Comforting each other. A lot were crying. Some soft and others hard.

As we approached the other hallway we could see the door to the stairs, it was shut.

Mr. DeNoh told us to get by the wall and try to hide somehow. He went to the door to see if it was unlocked. He tried to open it. It wouldn't go. It was locked. He tried a few times before coming back towards us shaking his head.

"The door is locked, we need to go down the main stairs and get out that way, hopefully it's open." He whispered-yell. Students started whispering among them. The two teachers shushed them.

"I'm going to say this real quick, when we get out there, out of the building, you run like hell. If the police are there they will direct us somewhere hopefully." He sighs. "I'm sorry this is happening."

Some students nodded, I looked around. Students were still holding each other, some were whiling their tears away, some had dried tears. A student was holding a cloth that was on her arm, blood was on the cloth. She had been shot and was left in a classroom.

We should have let those two students in our classroom. They would be alive. They would be able to return home as we are getting out now. The two teachers started walking back the way we came.

I quickly looked at my phone, to see if Quinn had texted me. Or if anyone texted me. I opened IPhone messages. I refreshed it. No new messages.

I turned off my phone and slid it into my pocket and sighed. As we were walking, we slowly started to turn down the other hallway. We were gonna pass our classroom, dead students, bullets, to the main staircase and get the bell out of here. To safety. I just pray that my sister is okay.

Word count: 1024

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