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The venue is filled with vibrant lights, chatter of designers, models, and fashion enthusiasts. I couldn't help but to feel a little uncomfortable. Despite the glamorous surroundings my thoughts were filled with whirlwind emotions.

The designs of enthusiasts are iconic, I'm having a second doubt on myself.

I couldn't believe that I'm attending the fashion event held by the richest and most popular company "ARCANICA". It was a behemoth in the world of fashion, its name synonymous with wealth, prestige, and innovation.

Zaid, my assistant manager, forced me to participate in this event.

I poured my heart and soul into the project, my dedication eclipsing even the most arduous of challenges. Countless sleepless nights were spent sketching designs, sourcing materials, and perfecting every intricate detail with a precision that bordered on obsession.If it didn't work out my all money would go in vain. This project is the only hope.

I have come out of my comfort zone.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone messenger.

Zaid: how's it going?

Me: not so well i'm so fucked up; wish you were here.

Zaid: I also wanted to be there so bad but I couldn't help. But I know you will definitely kill it.

Me: 🙂"smiling emoji"

My eyes land on the Owner– Alexander as he enters.

The CEO of— a fashion conglomerate.

Despite the nerves and uncertainty swirling inside me, I can't help but admire Alexander's presence. He exudes confidence and style, commanding attention as he navigates through the crowd with effortless grace. His impeccable fashion sense and magnetic charisma draw everyone in.

In a fleeting moment of eye contact, I felt a surge of hope wash over me. He is the hope of—an opportunity to showcase my talent and make a lasting impression.

He is already surrounded by dozens of people.

I rushed through the crowd and made my way to him. He is definitely not a sweet person.His icy demeanor seems to repel any attempts at warmth or connection, leaving an unsettling chill in the air.

From the way he carries himself with rigid posture to the steely gaze that seems to pierce through anyone who dares to meet his eyes, Alexander exudes an aura of aloofness and arrogance. His features, though undoubtedly handsome, are set in a permanent expression of indifference, as if he views the world through a lens of disdain.

His responses are curt and dismissive, his tone laced with thinly veiled contempt. It's as if he sees everyone else as beneath him, unworthy of his time or attention.

I take a deep breath to steady my nerves. With a determined stride, I approached him, my heart literally pounding in my chest. As I draw near, I offer a warm smile and extend my hand in greeting.

"Good evening, Mr. Renard," I say, with a steady voice despite the flutter of butterflies in my stomach. "It's a pleasure to see you here tonight. Your presence truly adds to the elegance of the event."

He just responded with a mere nod, his expression impassive as he met my gaze. There's no hint of warmth or interest in his eyes, no flicker of recognition at my words.

Undeterred, I pressed on, determined to break through his icy exterior. "I must say,I've always admired the innovative work your company has done in the fashion industry," I continued, trying to strike up a conversation. "Your commitment to pushing the boundaries of design is truly inspiring."

But his response is curt, his attention already drifting away from me as if I become an inconsequential distraction. He offers no acknowledgment of my compliments, no indication that he's even listening to what I am saying.

"Have you seen my dress?" I asked with curiosity as I hoped he would not let my hard work be fruitless. He gazed at me as our eyes were locked in a trance.I can't understand his emotions or feelings through his orbs as it's only filled with coldness.

There was a frozen quality to his blue orbs that made it impossible to gauge his true feelings. His eyes were like two shards of ice, devoid of warmth or empathy.

He looked at the direction of my dress before he could make a statement about my work. I interrupted him "this dress exudes an air of timeless elegance and feminine charm. The dress boasts a soft blush pink hue that whispers of romance and sophistication.Do you consider it"

I may sound so desperate but I couldn't help and let all my work and money in vain. If this project fails I don't know how I will survive.

"Did I ask" he looks at my dress a sec and continues "Ms Wilson". Disappointed reach in my veins. "If I was interested in your work I would have already asked you. Thank you for coming. Now I may leave." His icy voice was filled with nothing but sarcasm. I didn't know he would be that straightforward and rude.

He disappeared in the crowd and left me only with rejection that hitted me so hard.


"What did he say?" Zaid says with a hint of amusement in his voice. "You heard me– he rejected me. I shouldn't have participated in this crap."It's already been two days since the event happened and I'm still thinking about it.

"Oh sweetie dont be upset I fucking know him for 2 years and believe me he's a asshole. But he is unfortunately the only one who can bring our company up."

I know and no matter how I try to deny the reality it's not going to come true."Guess what we have to do more hard work now" I was just encouraging myself with those words.

"Okay listen up don't need to be upset i have a plan". Here he goes again. " i'm not listening to your stupid plans again - i'm cutting the call bye Zaid have a great day"

"NO-NO hear me out first it's really gonna work out I swear." I sigh over my phone. I know no matter what I said he is still gonna do it. Stubborn ass. He continues "Alexander's younger brother is helding a party tonight and it's our chance to shine on it"

"Do you think I'll agree on your plan?.There's no fucking way i'm coming with you to face him again". I have zero ability to see him again after the event. I still can't ignore his gaze and disregard.

"Aye don't be dramatic he's not gonna kill you and also there will be his brothers who can help us".

The Renard family reigns supreme. Their name is synonymous with power, wealth, and influence. At the helm of this formidable dynasty are the five Renard brothers, each groomed from birth to take their place in the family's empire.

The only thing the Renard Family deals with is Dominance and Power. The brothers raised in opulence and privilege, they've grown accustomed to getting what they want, when they want it. Their egos are as towering as the skyscrapers that bear the Renard name.

If Alexander is not the one, maybe there will be someone else as a hope. "Okay Let's go to the party" I am not ready to meet him again but my livelihood is more important than any stupid interaction and encounter!!

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