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Who would've thought one day she'll wake up and see what she's never dreamt of? Luxurious house, luxurious garden, luxurious food, etc..etc.
It's been over a month since she woke up in this unfamiliar yet familiar place, she kinda got used to it by now though. All those extravagance that she's never seen in her life before.........well she never imagined that she would see them anyway.

It's been over a month since she reincarnated into the side character of a psychological romance book called "Lies Within You". This girl is the one-and-only-unwanted-daughter-of-the-kim's, yep, that's who she is now. Kim Joo-young. A petite girl with long black hairs, bangs at front and yellow cat eyes with a mole under the left one. Though her appearance was one to be awed;she wasn't treated like a princess. That's because she wasn't supposed to be born. Because she was an unplanned surprise.

This body suicides in the end because of all the torture from it's so called family and friends. Huh......maybe she would need to change her future cause she's not the real shy and timid Joo-young anymore, it's her who isn't an introver like the character in book but the opposite. But first she'll need to take care of her hair, long ones are a burden you know? So she prefers short, hmm she'll cut it...

But in the end she still survived...
'Why am I still alive while she's not?'

Shut up you freaking brain! It doesn't matter anymore to her but she will live, though it seems like the original Joo-young had already admissioned for her so-so college where she gets bullied and harassed.....so she would just have to avoid those nuisances there. Or.....she would just keep them shut.

She walked around the two storey dream house, where she lived alone. Her parents were away in the U.S and her brother's in college, so she was free to roam in this fucking huge mansion! The gym was a nice one for her daily workouts and she doesn't even need to talk about the library and the view from it's balcony cause it was just a chef's kiss!
She would need to make a new routine for her daily life from now on....though it is really hard to forget everything from the past.

But past is just the past right?

Ik that the chapter's too short but from nxt time i'll try to make it longer.
Bye babes enjoy!~

Word count:429 ://

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