My eyes scanned rapidly over the list that had been sent out via email. I had been anticipating it for weeks now.The art project to end all art projects. The art project we'd been told about since the start of the year. The 2nd year art project that was said to be the highlight of our school experience. Teachers had parroted that we would need a decent couple of weeks into months to get the research down and build the masterpiece, before showcasing it at the summer exhibition.
The mere thought of being able to call something mine as I watched curious eyes try and decipher what message I was trying to put out there, sent shivers down my spine.
I craved the attention.
God knows I needed it now more than ever.
I had never been brave enough to enter competitions or share my art with anyone else, not even with Jacob. I loved him but art wasn't exactly something we talked about when we were together. Far from it. Jacob majors in sports management and when he wasn't telling me all about the ins and outs of track and field, or dragging me along to watch him compete, I spent most of my time alone. Parties weren't entirely my scene and friends weren't something I had a lot of. I also spent a lot of time at work. A little café near the school campus which was very much to my liking. Calm, cute and never too busy to the point where I was rushed off my feet. The extra cash certainly came in handy whenever I felt the need to splash out on new art supplies or stock up my cupboard with sugar.
Note to self to check how much was still left.
Needless to say my life had not been eventful lately.
SilverLight University will be the greatest 3 years of your life..
I unconsciously rolled my eyes at the thought. I was halfway through this school and still waiting for the penny to drop. For the moment to hit where I could finally see that being here was something worth investing my time into. Maybe.
I'd been under a pessimistic spell lately and was struggling to pull myself out of it. I didn't want to spiral but recently, there wasn't much to look forward to.
I scrolled further down the list.
Jeez, how many people here do art? Clearly people didn't show up to lessons because this just didn't add up. They couldn't have forgotten to add my name, could they?
I scrolled faster, eventually landing on the letter L. Lacys, Lanas, Levis, until finally Louise. I let out a sigh of relief. My name was there and it wasn't alone.
Obviously I knew going into this it would be a partner project, there was a lot of work to do and I'm sure I'd need the help, but it didn't stop me from overthinking.
Louise Sanders and .. Luke?
What, no surname?
The name was just hanging there. I racked my brains trying to think of any Lukes I might have come across or heard of. I pulled out my phone and sent a message to Jacob. He sure knew everything about everyone.
When a knock at the door came 10 minutes later, I already knew he was here.
He pulled me into a hug, "Jacob, you didn't have to come all the way over here, it's late."
My hands reached up to caress his hair. I loved the feel of his curls and it seemed to be getting thicker by the day. He pulled back to meet my eyes, "You're not happy to see me?"
I led him into the kitchen and he settled across from me on the counter, "You know I am. But I know how busy you are right now."
He shook his head, "And this is why I love you. You're always thinking about what's best for me."
"Mhm," I sang, grabbing some cups from overhead, "Are you thirsty?"
He didn't reply, but I could feel his eyes on me. I whipped round, "Were you checking me out just then?"
Normally I would revel in the attention he was showing me, but all I could think about right now was the art project. I wanted to start as soon as I could but first I needed to hash things out with this Luke. The mononymous Luke at that. I was buzzing. I already had so many ideas.
"Always," he replied in that flirtatious tone that told me he had only come here for one thing.
I leaned across the counter, "Can I remind you why you're supposed to be here? I told you I needed some help."
He groaned in evident frustration, "The only Luke I know is from basketball. But that's Luke Hall, he definitely has a surname. Other than that, I dunno."
I knew of Luke Hall. The idiot whose looks got him further than his talent, but that was a story for another day.
"You'll meet the dude at some point. He's probably some art hobo who uses a notepad to take notes instead of a laptop," he burst out laughing like I was supposed to share his humour.
He threw his head back in laughter, fists banging the table. I eyed him in fury. I should never have texted. He was never anything but an insensitive jerk.
His lips shrunk once he knew he'd gone too far, "Lou, I didnt mean it. I was trying to be funny! You know what I'm like."
"Yep, I sure do," I tried to maintain an icy tone, so he knew this was far from a joke, "You can't keep saying things like that. I thought you supported what I do."
"I do support you," he came round the table and buried his face in the crook of my neck, "I'm sorry."
This time it was my turn to burst into laughter, "Stop! It tickles when you do that." I definitely needed to work on being mad for longer than 2 minutes.
I pushed him away but he grabbed me and pulled me in for a deep kiss. I urged myself to forget about everything troubling me in that moment and pulled him closer. He pushed me back against the counter with a thud, his hands feeling me all over.
"Wait, wait a minute," I said, aware that I was ruining the heated moment.
The look on his face told me he was far from happy, "Yes?"
"You're sure you dont know of any other Luke's?" Struggling to let things go without them being resolved was also one of my faults. I couldn't help it.
He shook his head in disbelief, the warmth leaving me as he pulled away, "You're unbelievable, you really are."
I crossed my arms across my shoulders, "Excuse me?"
"I'm here, right now, for you and you couldn't care less. What's up with you lately? It's like your head's all over the freaking place and I can't keep up."
I scoffed, was he seriously going there right now? Because if he was, I had a lot to say too.
"You know, a caring boyfriend would ask me if there was anything bothering me, rather then yelling at his poor girlfriend who simply needed his help and who did not invite him over for a good time!" The words flew out of my mouth louder than I had expected it to. I dreaded the conversation my roommates would be having with me tomorrow.
They'd sure want all the gossip.
Jacob shot me an angry look, before grabbing his jacket off the chair and storming out the door.

I'm Open, He's Closed
Teen FictionWhen Louise is partnered with the inscrutable Luke for a crucial end-of-year project, she finds herself facing a seemingly impossible challenge. While Louise wears her heart on her sleeve, Luke is a closed book. As they struggle to work together, it...