5.10 - Gone

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Rick: Doctor...
The Doctor: Do you have some kind of trace?
Kate: Yes, we can send it to the TARDIS.
The Doctor: Rick?
Rick: Bring her back safe, won't you?
The Doctor: You're not coming?
Rick: What if she doesn't come home? I-is she even pregnant?
Kate: No.
Rick: My god. Is this what life with you is like?
The Doctor: Rick?
Rick: Constantly being messed around & hurt?! If she's dead-
The Doctor runs out.
The Doctor: Right then... Alex Holt, let's find out where you are!
In the TARDIS:
The Doctor runs through the doors.
The Doctor: How did this happen?! How did it come to this?!
The Doctor reads the screen.
-Spaceport 009... why the hell is Alex at The Spaceport?
Suddenly a cloaked figure appears.
The Wanderer: Why not?
The Doctor: Who are you?! State your name at once!
The Wanderer: You shall find out, Doctor... all in good time.
The Doctor: Why is Alex at a spaceport?!
The Wanderer: You'll soon know... we all will.
The Wanderer fades away.
The Doctor: Who are you?!
written by RB WILSON
In the spaceport:
Marx: The sir wishes to see you.
Dogu: He does? Whatever for?
Marx: He didn't state on the transmission slip.
Dogu: Interesting.
Dogu walks away.
Marshta: Poor las. She really doesn't know what fate lies ahead of her does she?
Marx: Nope. But that's life on spaceport 009.
Marshta: A never ending misery.
Marx: Quite.
Marshta: May she rest in peace.
In the Colunctia:
Dogu: Sir?
Voice: Ah! Dogu! Step forward!
He giggles.
Dogu: You requested to see me sir?
Voice: Yes! Come closer at once! Let me see you, my dear!
Dogu: I can't see you sir... where are you?
Woman: Here.
She knocks Dogu unconscious.
In a cupboard:
The TARDIS materialises.
In the TARDIS:
The Doctor: Materialised exactly where Alex last was...
The TARDIS chimes.
-I know. I know we could be on a wild goose chase. Time is relative in these walls, it could be years since we last saw Alex.
The TARDIS chimes.
-I know... I know I need to prepare myself for the worst possible outcome of this situation.
She sighs.
-Right then! Shall we see where we have landed?
The Doctor approaches the doors.
In the cupboard:
The Doctor steps out.
The Doctor: A cupboard... standard.
She opens the door & steps out.
In the plaza:
-Wow. Big crowd.
A woman with blonde hair in a blue dress stares at The Doctor, The Doctor notices her.
The Doctor waves, The woman runs away.
-Wait! Wait!
The Doctor runs after her.
-Hey! Stop!
The Doctor stops as she suddenly realises that the woman is gone.
-Who were you? What did you know?
She bites her lip.
-Who are you?
Marx: Attention!
The crowd suddenly stops & turns to Marx' attention.
The Doctor: What the?
Marx: The sir wishes for your attention immediately!
The Doctor: What is this place?
Marx: Residents of the Spaceport 009! I present to you, Sir Sil!
The Doctor: What?!
Sil is wheeled into the centre of the plaza.
Sil: Greetings my peasants! Greetings! The Sir Sil greets you all! Every single one of you! One and all!
The Doctor: Hey! Slug-face!
Sil: Oh sh-
The Doctor: You stay where you are!
The Doctor sonics the wheels on Sil's tank.
-What on Earth are you doing here?!
Sil: Living my life! All these people worshiping me! Isn't it great?!
The Doctor shakes her head.
-No. It's not.
Sil rolls his eyes.
Sil: You always think the lowest of me, Doctor!
The Doctor: Let's remember our history...
Sil: Ah yes! Peter Black!
The Doctor: Who?
Sil: That companion of yours! The one who houses Lord Kiv's mind!
The Doctor: Peri Brown? Is that what you meant to say?
Sil: Yes! Peri! Brown!
The Doctor: Yeah well she died because of you... at least in one timeline anyway.
Sil: What?
The Doctor: Nothing. What are you doing here, Sil?
Sil: It is Sir Sil!
The Doctor: What are you doing here, Sil.
Sil: Ah ah!
The Doctor rolls her eyes.
The Doctor: What are you doing here, Sir Sil?
Sil: Making money!
The Doctor: The classic trope.
Sil: Huh?
The Doctor: It's always money with you Sil isn't it?
Sil: Yeah... well.
The Doctor: I don't believe you. Why build up a life & a platform for yourself 'just to make money' if you wanted money, you'd destroy a planet or something.
Sil: You know me so well!
The Doctor: Must be the life I lead.
Sil rolls his eyes.
Sil: Fine. You got me.
The Doctor: So... what are you doing here?
Sil: Look at every person here, Doctor.
The Doctor looks at the crowd.
The Doctor: Their ears. Their noses, his eyes! Her... scales? His gills?
Sil: Yes!
The Doctor: You didn't...
Sil: What?
Both: Experiment on them?
Sil: Yes!
The Doctor: I thought you left that life behind on Thoros-Beta when you mutilated Peri.
Sil: When we last met & you committed genocide! I was alone, alone & scared.
The Doctor: It wasn't Genocide.
Sil: You wiped out an entire species because you didn't like their ideas...
The Doctor: Their ideas were wrong, plus it's not genocide if they're still alive.
Sil: What?
The Doctor: The Daleks. They're still alive, we never killed them.
The Doctor looks down.
Ace: Think about the freedom of the universe, all those planets occupied by The Daleks.
The Doctor: It's genocide.
Ace: What about them? They blew apart planets! Ecosystems! Children! Life!
The Doctor: But.
Ace puts her hand on The Doctor's hand.
Ace: Do it.
The Doctor: What?
Ace: Save the universe.
The Doctor looks at Sil.
Sil: Yes Doctor.
The Doctor closes her eyes & presses the button, The Daleks explode.
Sil: You used it, the core of the Daleks.
The Doctor: I never killed them.
Sil laughs.
Sil: I know!
The Doctor: What?
Sil: The 'core'... it was all part of my master plan!
The Doctor: What are the talking about?!
Sil: The button that you pressed set it all in motion.
The Doctor: Set what in motion?!
Sil: The dawn of The Mentors!
The Doctor: You're gonna resurrect them?!
Sil: No. they were never dead! Now we have you right where we want you! Cordelia!
Cordelia: Yes, Sir Sil?
The Doctor: Cordelia Crozier. Your alive!
Cordelia: Undead.
Sil: The Mentor mothership is on it's way... we will create a new race of Mentor! Project: Evolution!
The Doctor: The button... it... it resurrected Cordelia! Didn't it!
Sil: Yes! And now our plan can begin! Stasis Cube!
A cube forms around The Doctor.
-Now! All we need is now is The Essence Of A l Timelord!
The Doctor: You're gonna create a new species of creatures... with Timelord DNA! A durable species!
Sil: Correct! We will create a new species to take down the Kraals!
The Doctor: The Kraals?!
Sil: Yes!
The Doctor: You're bringing The Kraals to a place like this?! Millions will die!
Sil: The bodies that will falter will be used to create even more warriors! We will come invincible & then-
He smiles.
-The Mentors will rule the galaxy!
He laughs.
In A Laboratory:
Sil's laughter echoes out.
Cordelia: This is to prevent any kind of cross contamination.
Cordelia hands The Doctor a grey jumpsuit.
The Doctor has a cannula placed in her hand and two heart monitors placed on her chest.
The Doctor: Please...
Cordelia: We are going to make you beg for your life, Doctor.
She presses a button.
-Prepare the extractor
The Doctor: You don't have to do this, Cordelia.
Cordelia: When we last met you destroyed everything I worked for.
The Doctor: You did that yourself when you took on your father's twisted legacy.
Cordelia: The mind of my father's was a genius, he was a very clever & intelligent man!
The Doctor: Deluded & insane, you mean.
Cordelia: What?
The Doctor: Oh yes, he was a genius.
Cordelia: Now, we are going to extract your DNA.
Cordelia prepares a needle.
The Doctor: Quite sharp.
Cordelia: Of course it is, it's a needle.
The girl appears.
Annie: Doctor...
Cordelia: What do you want Annie?
Annie: You're looking for Alex... correct?
The Doctor: Yeah.
Annie: I know where she is.
The Doctor: Tell me!
Annie: I have her location here. She's being kept in a Zygon prison on Zygor.
Cordelia: You see... Annie is our first of many new soldiers that we have built to take on The Kraals.
Annie: I've been running rogue on this ship, looking for a means of escape ever since I was taken from Earth.
The Doctor: Taken from Earth?
Annie: The Transmat.
The Doctor: Hold on... Cordelia Crozier... you are one twisted individual.
Cordelia laughs.
-Transmatting humans & Zygons & other shapeshifting species from Earth & turning them into a joke just so you can have a means to fight a war.
Annie pulls a lever, The Doctor jumps down from the operating table.
Annie: Go!
Annie hands the tracing device to The Doctor, she runs.
Cordelia: No!
In the cupboard:
Sil: (voice) Get her!
The Doctor enters the TARDIS, it dematerialises.
On Zygor:
The TARDIS materialises, The Doctor steps out.
Zygon Leader: Doctor!
They kiss.
The Doctor: Where is she?!
Zygon: Who?!
The Doctor: Alex!
Alex: Doctor!
Two Zygons appear behind The Doctor with Alex in handcuffed.
The Doctor: Alex! Let her go!
Zygon: Stand before us Doctor as Alex dies at our hands!
The Doctor: No! Leave her alone!
Two small red wires come out from the ground & attach themselves to The Doctor's neck.
Zygon Leader: Zygotes!
They electrocute her, she screams as she faints.
In a room:
The Doctor is chained to a wall,
The Doctor: Let me go!
Zygon Leader: You will watch Doctor as we will be the true rulers of time!
The Doctor: What?!
A blue orb is pulled forward on a wheeled table.
Alex: What is it?!
The Doctor: Time itself.
Alex: What?
The Doctor: The orb of time! Or in other words. The web of time.
Alex: But...
The Doctor: The TARDIS! What did you do to her?!
Alex: They've destroyed her, they got to the eye of harmony & extracted the web of time from within it.
The Doctor: How do you understand?!
Alex: I've been away from you for a year, Doctor. I learnt the ways of time travel at the hands of the Zygons, I get it now.
The Doctor: Oh Alex... I am so sorry,
Zygon Leader: You have been playing a game with the enemy, Doctor!
The Doctor: What?!
Alex: I'm so sorry.
The Doctor: Alex!
Alex: Your greatest enemies have come together to form an alliance against you.
The Doctor: What?
Alex: The Daleks-
She shudders.
-The Cybermen, Sil, The Master, The Rani, Drahvins, Autons, Ogrons, Ice warriors, Sea Devils, Silurians, Voord, Sensorites, Zarbi, Macra...
She tears up.
-The Nun. It was all a plan to get you to Zygor to use the DNA of a Timelord to open the timestreams & allow the evil of the universe to rule time.
The Doctor: You don't have my DNA! I won't let you!
Cordelia: Too bad that you're wrong...
The Doctor has a cannula placed in her hand.
-We have your blood.
Smells Like Teen Spirit by Stevie Howie plays.
-Open the Timestream.
Alex: No!
The Doctor: You can't!
The Zygon Leader pulls a lever.
A white light projects up into a tube.
The Doctor screams as the timestream begins to open.
-No! No!
Alex: Stop it!
The Doctor: Stop it! Stop! You're gonna destroy time!
The Doctor screams.
-My mind! My memories! They're all over the place! I can't think! I can remember things that never happened! Alternate possibilities! Time is broken! It's dead! Time is dead/
Her eyes widen.
-And I can feel it!
The Wanderer appears.
The Wanderer: & so my grand plan has come.
The Doctor: Who are you?!
The Wanderer: I am your future.
The Doctor: A future incarnation?!
The Wanderer: Yes.
The Doctor: The curator?
The Wanderer suddenly forms into The Valeyard
The Valeyard: The Valeyard.
The Doctor: No.
The Valeyard: Yes... and the laws of time belong to me now.

The Doctor will return in "Harvest Of The Krotons'


Gallifrey, The Panopticon:
Leela runs in.
Leela: Romana! Romana!
Romana: Leela?
Leela: Narvin has informed me of the prisoners' arrival.
Romana: Prisoners?
In the citadel:
Romana & Leela walk through a door.
Narvin: Ah! Romana, Leela! I'd like you to meet Sil & his sidekick, Cordelia.
Sil laughs.
Sil: Hello!
Cordelia: So... this is The Doctor's home planet... interesting.
Romana: What are they doing here?
Narvin: The Doctor's orders.
Romana: Why?!
Narvin: He didn't say.
Romana: Why are you here?!
Sil laughs.
-Tell me!
He continues to laugh.
Sil: You Timelords are ever so silly... The Doctor has brought the fight to you!
Leela: What fight?
Romana: What fight?!
Sil: The second great Time War.

Romana, Leela & Narvin will return in 'Burning Stars'

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