Poison (Part 2)

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*Chapter with references to the side story 'The Adventures of Charls, the Veretian Cloth Merchant', by C

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*Chapter with references to the side story 'The Adventures of Charls, the Veretian Cloth Merchant', by C.S. Pacat.

In the large meeting room, Laurent kept his composed and focused demeanor. He had shed his riding clothes and now wore his Veretian garb of dark blue, almost black fabric with many eyelets, buckles, and tight knots.

His expression was stern and nothing left of the revealing and altered appearance from before. Laurent stood with his legs crossed and his boots shining, surrounded by the Council who seemed loyal to him and were bound to him by a strategic agreement that until then had not allowed the others to suspect their internal differences.

Torgeir was the first to arrive, followed by Vishkar, who had also reorganized herself. She wore her state dress for the first time, with layers and layers of cloth, golden ornaments, and heavy makeup. Around her neck hung the imperial medallion. She took her place next to the King of Patras.

Damianos kept to the schedule and arrived shortly after in his chiton, looking calmer and more focused. Laurent didn't glance at him and confined himself to saying without changing his voice:

"Now, we can begin by discussing the matter that brought us here."

Chelaut, one of the Councillors, said:

"Excuse me, Your Majesty, but here is a woman among eight men. I believe it is important that we summon a handmaiden to preserve the decorum of Vere."

Vishkar rolled her bicolor eyes.

"Don't worry, Councillor. I won't mount you if that bothers you. And I'm not in the mood to get up with the weight of these damned clothes to walk over and ride on your cock, either. Let alone eight cocks... Please, go on, Your Majesty of Vere."

Torgeir put his hand over his mouth and suppressed what could have been a cough, a choke, a throat clearing, or something else.

Chelaut was pale and unsettled, burying himself in bitterness. Laurent continued:

"As I'm sure King Torgeir and Empress Vishkar have already learned, my soldiers, accompanied by Akielos' troops, have broken into another secret ring, and we have found slaves from both reigns there, in addition to Patran and Vaskian people. We have also received information that someone from Vask has financed the place."

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