77: the talk

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It's only been two days, and geirge refuses to be big. He barely ever has a tantrum, but Will and I are learning the far extents of his tantrums over these days.

"NOOOOO!!!" George screams. He's been screaming for about an hour now as we try to talk to him. Will and I have given up on talking about it, but he refuses to stop screaming. "DON WANNA DON WANNA DON WANNA!" He screams. I looked up at Will to see if he knew what to do, but all he did was shrug at me.

"Baby, we're not making you - "

"I. DONT. WANT. TOO!!" He cried. He was in shambles, refusing to let us near.

"What do we do?" Will seems to be holding back a couple of tears.

"I have no idea. He never acts like this -" Our attention was averted by the clicking sound of the door.

"Can you shut him up, please. Some of us need some beauty sleep!" Will's sister Tiana complained, rubbing her eyes. I haven't seen her around for such a long time.

"We don't know how. He was big for a bit, and we thought that it would be a good idea to bring it up, but apparently not." Will fills her in. George had calmed down a little by the shock of seeing someone else, but promptly started back up when Will took a step towards him. The only time he's screamed like this was when he was back at the pack for the first time. Boy, do I still feel guilty about that.

"Oh my fucking God, how do you not know how to calm him down, he's your fucking little. Get him a cookie or something." She crossed her arms

"Tried it. Of corse we fucking tried it. If you're not going to help, fuck off because you're not making it better." Her aggressive words rubbing off on Will,  I know he hasn't been sleeping well, I havnt either but he doesn't seem to be handling it as well as he used to.

"Oh for fuck sake!" She exclaimed walking over to George uch against our wishes. He's sensitive, and she can't just yell at him or scare him into being worse.

"George," she began in a soft tone. Much to our surprise. Wanna make a fort?" She asked. George had calmed down a little to hear what she was saying. "You have to stop screaming, though Tina can't stand loud noises." George was now crying. No more screaming, no more hitting no more thrashing.

"Was a fort all it took?" Will's eye started twitching. Not from announce at George, just that the solution was so simple. George began to pout. "I'm sorry baby, do you want to build that fort?" Will asked, not wanting to stir him up again. George gave an excited nod, and we all started collecting blankets and pillows before attention was gained by other littles on the floor.

"I don't get how you slept through his screaming." Delilah complained to Ezra as they walked down the hall, the pitch of her voice giving away the fact that they were little.

"Why are you awake?" I asked, glancing at the time on my phone. It was getting close to midnight, and there was no caregiver in sight. They both looked at me with pure fear and guilt.

"Why are you awake?" Delilah snaps back with some Sass.

"Based on what you were talking about, I think you know why. Now explain why you're un supervised and awake."

"Well, by what YOU were talking about, I think you know why we're awake." Ezra now says copying Delilah's tone.

"Watch it." I place a dominant tone to my voice, and he apologises. I have no control over Delilah, nor do I have a right to, but Ezra didn't have a caregiver and did see me somewhat as one. And he was a wolf of my pack, and I can't have every little disrespecting me like that.

"We were getting snacks. Viccy and Chari were seeping, and we was hungry." He explained. I gave him a small smile, thanking him for being truthful. I didn't think they were going to go to sleep any time soon, so I decided to invite them in on the fort building, which they were quite excited to do.

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