Earth Keeping Its Pace

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It has been a month since me and Chase started to live together. He goes on hunting while i guard the house and gather the other stuff we need such as medicines and weapons. That was the way it is until we were out of stock. To get what we need we had to travel long ways and this shack had no use anymore because of that. We have to find a new place to stay.
"Do we have enough food that will last us? You know its gonna be a long trip. We might not have time or strenght to take a look into places which arent in our route."
-Yeah i know. I sont think what we have now is enough. We need to prepare for the road first. Today is okay? To prepare?
"Yeah its more than enough."
-Okay then its decided.

After we had our breakfast.

-I am leaving.
"Okay be careful."
I went out to get some stuff. At least we found a car too so we dont have to walk that long to get to a safer place. The leafs are falling from the trees, making a pretty scene. The winter is almost coming and we dont even have a place to stay. But maybe this is the best for us and for the world. To create its own way again. Keeping its pace. I hope im doing the right thing by trying to survive, avoiding getting killed. I hope it is what i am supposed to do.
Finally i have reached to the destination. Getting rid of the useless thoughts of mine. I have to do what im doing. Doesnt matter if its wrong or right. We have to fight. At least for now.
It looked like there werent pretty much inside but still something. I checked out the surrondings first then the inside. There were others before me. Others who killed the zombies inside. Looked like they left not much for me.
When i was checking out the supplies something caught my eye. Was it a paper? No it was a photo.
I was shocked when i picked it up and take a clear look at it. It was a photo of maggie. She looked pretty and at peace. My eyes watered when i saw her. I knew she wasnt dead. She couldnt be. My guess is Gleen took this photo of her but then why leave it here? Were they really alive? Despite of the questions i had it looked pretty much new, hoping they arent very far from us. The photo was also tooken at a dark place. I didnt know where so i took it with me to show it to Chase. When i got the stuff we need i had my way back to the shack.

-Im back. 
"I catched us fish for today and some rabbit to pack."
-Oh thats good thank you. Im starving.
-And I found a picture at the store today as well as some medicine and already packed food.
I showed the picture to him.
-She is Maggie. She used to be in the group i was in and just i was getting to know her. You know what happened..
-The picture looks pretty new. Do you somehow know where its taken at? Maybe. Maybe we can find them. We can use some support at this point you know? We are out of stock after all.
"Yeah i know. It looks like a some kind of prison? Maybe? You told me there were a lot of them so they can only probably fit into a place like this."
-Yeah you could be right. Do you think they are still alive? I dont want to see them dead..
Knowing they are alive was the only thing i held on. I dont think i will ever get over them if i knew they werent alive.
"But if they are alive wouldnt you want to see them? Do you prefer not knowing over being with them again?"
-I dont know Chase.. You know how it ended with Daryl.
"I cant understand Y/N. Youre the one who said we should go there because we need suplies and people now youre saying the complete opposite. Why are you so selfish?"
-Selfish? I was out there with Lydia by all myself for MONTHS Chase. And yet you call me selfish instead of admitting youre the one who is selfish and abondened us.
"If its how you want to see me Y/N. Go ahead."
-Doesnt matter what i want. Its what you DID.
(I was slightly yelling at him i didnt want to lose him again but i still couldnt forgive him fully after a month.)
"Do what you want to do Y/N. But we should find a shelter while you spend your time "thinking""
He was right
-Wake up with the first ray of sunshine then we will be out kay?
He nodded.
It was a long and stressful night for me, still is. With Chase not thinking before he speaks. Even with knowing i should be asleep to have energy in the morning, i cant help but think about them. About Daryl. For the past month i avoided thinking about a situation like this. Maybe i hoped to not see them again i dont know. I still love Daryl but in an apocalypse like this noone in their right mind would love somebody. Especially in a romantic way. Am i just confused? I hope so..
I run away from my thoughts, from reality again. I just fell asleep.

I think im making this story so basic and forced by not explaining any further with complicated topics but idk what to do about it.
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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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