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Kennedy's POV:

"That's it for today everyone have an amazing weekend." The professor said dismissing the lecture.

"Woah that was an intense one." My best friend Aliyah says as we exit the hall. "Yeah it was considering our exams are coming up in 2 weeks. I'm not surprised." I say to her.

"Anyways, I don't care. You coming tonight? Who am I kidding of course you are" Aliyah says as we both get into Aliyah's Mercedes Benz.

"What?" I ask totally confused as I fasten my seatbelt. "Aaron and Chris are having their last college party of the semester. And we are invited." She says as we leave the campus.

If you can't tell, Aliyah and I grew up completely different. Yes we both grew up in some what wealthy households hence why we have our own apartments instead of the other college students who stay on campus.

Aliyah grew up as an only child and had whatever she wanted handed to her on a silver plate. I on the other hand have an older brother. Even though we were rich my parents always taught me to do things on my own and understand that not everyone grew up they way we did.

Don't get me wrong, Aliyah isn't some rich spoilt brat, I mean she is rich but she isn't a brat. She just views the world in a different way.

"Well, I won't be able to make it, Mrs Sweets is gonna need me at the bakery tonight." I say while scrolling through my Instagram feed.

Mrs Sweets, is the owner of the local café near my apartment and also my boss. Her name isn't really Mrs Sweets, it's actually Mrs Gilbert, but I call her Mrs Sweets because, my mom used to come here every Sunday to get some pastries for the week and Mrs Sweets always gave me free sweets that's why I call her Mrs Sweets.

"Does she really or you offered?" Aliyah asking still keeping her eyes on the road.

"I offered, but even if she didn't need me, I still have to study for our exams something tells me professor Monroe won't go easy on us." I say cringing at the thought of the exam.

"Oh come on K, live a little. I promise you'll be back before 3am." She says like that'll convince me.

"Please? pretty please?" She asks giving me the puppy dog eyes, and I unfortunately give in.

"Fine." I say, "But only because, Mrs Sweets wouldn't let me spend the evening with her over going out with friends." I say pouting.

"Yes, you won't regret." She says still keeping her eyes on the road.

'Oh, Aliyah. I already do.' I thought to myself.

Third person POV:

It's been a couple hours since Aliyah dropped Kennedy at her apartment. Aliyah left some hours ago saying she has some errands to ran, and Kennedy didn't want to know what those errands were.

Currently Kennedy was in her room on her laptop working on her latest essay under the topic, 'the concepts and features of the rule of law.'

"Sometimes I regret studying law." Kennedy says out loud as she stared at the computer screen. As she was about to start a new sentence, Aliyah burst through the door startling Kennedy.

"Okay I'm back, and I got everything we need." Aliyah said to Kennedy with a bit too much of excitement.

"Uhh what's all that?" Kennedy asks shutting her laptop and giving her best friend all her attention.

"Well, I got your dress, your shoes, my dress, my shoes and makeup of course." Aliyah said.

"Come on, get the hell up and go shower, we don't have all day." Aliyah said as she basically shoved Kennedy out of the room.

After Kennedy got out of the shower and went to her room, it looked like her room turned into the club.

"What the fudge balls is this?" Kennedy asked Aliyah in literal horror. "Come here sit we don't have much time." Aliyah said pointing towards Kennedy's vanity. This is going to be one hell of a night.

After Aliyah was done with Kennedy's make up she started on her own. Kennedy secretly admired herself in the mirror.

"Okay girl, I'm done with my make up, now for my favorite part. The outfits. Now I will warn you they are scandalous but, this is probably the last night you'll go out so you have to make a good impression." Aliyah said to Kennedy as she ran to the guestroom to get the dresses.

"Oh Fuck no." Kennedy said, "oh come on they aren't that bad." Aliyah said to her best friend. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Kennedy asked.

"Please. Do it for me." Aliyah said, already knowing her friend was going to agree. Kennedy let out a sigh and got the sad excuse of a dress from her friend.

Kennedy's outfit:

"Omg you look amazing, you are definitely getting dicked down tonight

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"Omg you look amazing, you are definitely getting dicked down tonight." Aliyah said staring at her friend like she's some sort of goddess.

"My whole butt is out." Kennedy complains to her friend. "That's the point." Aliyah says as she starts to get into her dress.

Aliyah's outfit:

The pair looks at themselves in the mirror before Kennedy gets dragged out of her apartment by Aliyah

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The pair looks at themselves in the mirror before Kennedy gets dragged out of her apartment by Aliyah.

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