29. Mysteries Revealed

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Athulya's POV

The past always remains in the past. It's us who cling to it with our tiny fingers and bring it into the present. But all we have to do is loosen our grip, slow down, and let it slip away halfway. Let the past get lost somewhere, never to be found again. Because fighting isn't always about combat; it's about having the courage to walk alone without the past as your bodyguard.

Grieving is never enough, and it can't be. I can't stay like this. Heck, I can't!

I just need that man, and that will be the point when, instead of leaving my past behind, I will kill it. I. will. fucking. kill. my. past. with. my. own. hands.

I took out my gun and aimed it.


A loud noise echoed, but it wasn't me. My fingers weren't on the trigger either. Then where did the sound come from? Leaving my gun aside, I ran outside to check.

I was halfway through the corridor when I saw Aarav and Veer. They had heard it too. The sound was loud and clear, impossible to miss.

"What was that?" I asked, perplexed. Veer shrugged in response. "Nothing," he replied tersely.

"Aarav, inform the security," Veer instructed, striding ahead purposefully.

As soon as I took out my phone, I realized what was happening. He had messaged me. That bastard!

"Go to your room," Veer instructed, his expression leaving no room for argument. I decided not to oppose, sensing that I would have to figure things out on my own. Something was definitely going on; I had overheard Ma and Dadi talking in hushed voices.

Silently, I retraced my steps, but instead of heading to my room, I slipped into the room where the others were gathered. Perhaps they knew something that could shed light on the situation.

The room was dimly lit as I opened the door slowly, catching snippets of whispered conversation. Inside, Vihan, Yuvaan, and Aarushi were sitting together.

I settled beside Aarushi, and as soon as I tapped her shoulder, she hugged me tightly, her tears flowing freely. "Aaru, what happened?"

I glanced at Yuvaan, silently urging him to explain what had happened. He turned to Vihan, who was engaged in a worried conversation with someone on the phone.

"Aarushi, tell me what happened? Tell me..." I took her hands in mine, urging her to open up. "Seriously, you're looking like a caterpillar right now," I added, trying to lighten the mood, but she just whacked my shoulder in response.

"He called me..."


"My father..." She hesitated, swallowing hard.

Her father? I was taken aback. I had never heard a single word about him from anyone in this house. They talked about her bua, but not him. I was surprised to learn he was alive.

"Ajeet Shekhawat..."

He's her father? How is that possible? It must be one of his tricks, for sure.

"No one ever told me who my father is. You know how it feels to think that I have a father but don't know him. I didn't know whether he's alive or not, whether he even knows about me or not! No one... no one told me," she poured out, her voice trembling with emotion. "They just turned away whenever the topic came up. And I learned to live with that fact. Everything was fine, so why did he have to call today and tell me that he's my father?"

She continued, her voice filled with anguish. "Why does he have to be my father out of so many men in the world? Why? He isn't the father I used to picture. I thought my father would be someone perfect, and it was never him..." Her words trailed off, choked with emotion.

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