Warm firelight fought back the darkness of the cave as a gentle chime sang a lullaby to the crisp night air.
Joining the rhythm of the melody were hushed words that read a story to life.
"...carried by the wind was a singing pond joined by the hiss of flowing water.
The view from where she stood revealed a mountain with a hive of caves, some of which were hidden by waterfalls that melted down from rivers and streams.
The scent of wet rock invited Caseon to swim amongst a pond of glowing fish that never witnessed the scales of a dragon before.
Even such beauty couldn't claim her attention, however, as wistful thoughts drew her to the final resting place of her father.
A shrine of stacked rocks painted in the same muted yellow of his scales were positioned on either side of a square cut of stone. An intimate dance of symbols had been carved into its face.
Though they meant nothing to a stranger, Caseon closed her eyes and spoke them aloud.
'Death is only sorrow. So it is your life, and the life you brought to this world, that we celebrate.'
An ethereal glow filled the carved words as she spoke them. The ground beneath her shrugged, and in an instant, she was enveloped in darkness..."
Axaran's eyes lifted from the text to examine Pita, whose body was now weighing heavily against the warm pillows beneath her. Her small stone dragon teetered precariously in her claws.
With a huff of amusement, Axaran maneuvered the stone dragon to safety before bumping his snout against the top of Pita's head.
It had only been a year since her green scales had shed away to a blushing pink.
The growth of a Sky Dragon had been surprisingly comparable to a ratite. Her egg tooth fell out a month after hatching, and she'd chosen her own gender once she'd started thinking independently instead of just mimicking things around her.
When her wings took shape, however, they formed a reminder of the life he'd made for himself.
He'd stolen the egg of a Sky Dragon queen, but abandoned his quest to bring it to the Shadowforge. The whiplash from turning his back on the guild made him wonder if he'd ever understood loyalty, or if he was just another fool who expected to betray them and survive.
Of every worry and restless night, regret never found him. All it took was a smile, or the excitement from her vibrant eyes, and suddenly he was reminded of his sole purpose in life.
"Goodnight, my little seedling."
Axaran placed his claw against the rotating cylinder, halting the music that it sang to them. Once the silence had a chance to settle, he shuffled towards the mouth of the cave.
The touch of night air made his muscles tense and his body hunch in an attempt to keep its warmth. Cicadas clattered throughout the nearby trees, and Axaran could've sworn he saw the lights of wisps bobbing in the distance.
A deep breath brought the scent of spring air that dried his throat.
Watching over the cave entrance, he lifted his claw and opened it to reveal a small gemstone with a smooth glossy surface. He peered into a violet reflection of himself, catching a glimpse of his own tired eyes and aging scales.
"I wonder what you'd make of this." The alleviated weight in Axaran's chest forced a grin upon his maw. "You'd either call me crazy, or you'd boast about how you were right. That there was something in this world I cared about more than my own scales."

The Wings she Carries (Book 1)
FantasyBorn in the safe solitude of the Quiet Wilds and kept from the outside world, a Sky Dragon by the name of Pitahaya must set out on an adventure to find her missing father. All the while she must learn how to live in a world that's been ravaged by mo...