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build very professional number 1 racer, actor and very calm but what if he is total opposite to his behaviour what if in real life he is a demon but because of his reputation he cant do that demonic act in front of any body

6month before he had his 1st break heart his love his life his bestbuddy boyfriend bible what exectly happen build through cant understand but it all start from 6month ago when first time build see bible news dating rummour when he call bible

6th month before

build-bible for godseck pick up the damm call what the hell is happing

ringing ........... ............ ............... ........... after 15 missed call

bible- what the hell build for god seck stop calling me damm you are too much irritating

build-literally[crying] bible what happen is the news showing on the tv is real please bible dont do this what about us

bible-literally[smirk] there is nothing us i only use you, you are nothing to me you are only my credit card, i am not in love with you

build-wth bible what are you talking please tell this is a plan what the fuck did i do to you why are you doing this[crying]

bible-see i dont have this crazy time for you so now with clear and normal word WE ARE HAVING BREAKUP you understand

build- no no bible 'hallo bible'

call cut from other side

bible- [crying in large sound] i am sorry build i am sorry beacause of your safety i have to act like that once the matter will done i will take you from this hell i promise


suddenly get up from a bad dream

build- no no what do you think i am stupid i hate you bible because of you i gave up from the love i hate you

build calling secretory- cancel my all meeting

secretory- but sir..... cut from the other side

calling his best friend apo

apo- whats up man suddenly all right

build- yaa all set today i am going to race add my name i am feeling stress

apo- ok but any problem

build- nothing to do with you man just do what i say

apo - ok ok chill


ladies and gentelmen lover and stalker welcome to the big race of thiland where you can see many many intersting bike car races

build- all set apo

apo- yep this is your car

Koenigsegg Agera RS

Koenigsegg Agera RS

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V8 engine produces 1,160 to 1,360 horsepower, top speed record of 277.87 mph

[adapt through internet i have 0 knowledge about this]

apo- this is best car dude

build- ya bro

"suddenly a boy with lust eye enter the conversation"

boy- damm what a sexy toy you are[looking build]

build- fuck you boy do you know who i am

boy- lets not talk about into lets compete what about

build- sure why not

boy-but if i win you have to spend your 1night with me[confidence]

build-but if i win you have to ban your self in this stadium

boy-challenge accepted lets see

with the mean time a lady come for announcement

so guys today race is between two business tycoon build jakapan and king uran

race begain

as you can see race is soo much fun build is crossing our king but its a twist 1st round winner is king as the next round begain the winner is build but at the last round both became hyper soo both decided to destroy their enemy and suddenly a blast happen

apo -shit shit build build ohh god no please noo

build-what the hell is happing why my eyes god heavy what the fuck is happen at this though build became unconsious

build- open his eyes slowly where the hell is i am what the fuck is happen to surronding and mainly what the fuck is happen to my cloths oyy what a typical black suit shiya


stranger- pete pete pete where are you

build- why the man is looking at me and whom is he calling pete

lets see what happen now how our build going to adapt the surrounding and what will happen when he see bible also vegas


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