I arrived to school on my usual standard - when the lesson is almost over. Not intentionally but I was made to walk twenty miles to school ,cause my Father refused my entry into any of his cars . It surprised me that he actually made me go to school despite his dislike for me . I would have preferred staying at home since I was a pile of nothing: school wasn't meant for people like me .
While I sat glued to my chair the teacher poured words . No! They weren't words but soundless notes pouring out . Sometimes she would say words not suppose to be subject related and at that moment I knew it was Noise . He made me confused.
At that moment I would tell him to hush but he never would . Had his own mind ,he only made it worst than before ...so annoying! Noise was the perfect name for him . Sometimes when I talked to Noise I feared someone heard him or saw his smokey dark hand curl round me but they never did he was unheard and invisible.
Noise was a conniving,persuasive and pestering Devil, who always made me do all his dirty works. As I hummed an off key note while walking home from school - empty brained - with pestering Noise . I noticed the Parkinson's dog jump out of the bush berries staring angrily at me . It barked at me as Noise hands wrapped round my neck securely.
"It looks like it would attack you, " Noise said." I say you kill it ,to be on a safe side."
The dog continued barking viciously at me. I stood still hoping it would get tired and walk off but it didn't . Noise kept pestering me to kill it.
"With what exactly ?"I asked.
"With this ."he said placing a wicked - looking knife on my palm .
"No!I won't hurt it"I said walking past the dog .I thought it was over but the stupid dog had to do something aching . It bit my leg and I screamed out in pain ,as I turned I flung the knife at it in an attempt to scare it off.
"Stupid dog!" I yelled.
I looked down at the dog bleeding from its neck as it lay on the ground sobbing or something . I stared shocked at the blood stained knife. I bent down and felt for it's pulse. It was still .
Murder! Murder!!
I looked at my leg scared I would suffer in my room of rabies.
"Don't worry it would heal. You will be fine."Noise assured.
Istared at the dead dog . This was what he made me do ,that was what he was a Murderer. I dropped the knife and ran home , I didn't stop till I got into my room.

The Devil's Son 1
FantasyHis dark...a noble man's son ... cursed with an evil spirit from birth...the Devil . The more evil he does ,the stronger the Devil grows .He has to seek help from the Holy Ground to get rid of him. Can he ??