Eight Days

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Dario POV

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Dario POV

It had been five days now and I was struggling. She didn't make it any better when she would come out her room in tank tops and half shirts. She knew that shit turned me on. She knew she could do the bare minimum and I'd be turned on. She was doin that shit on purpose too. She never wore stuff like that anymore and was more conservative.

I had her though. I would purposely wear a tight shirt and lift weights when I knew she was nearby. Or just sweatpants.. She couldn't resist that shit. One time I had left out of the makeshift gym at one of the venues in just some joggers with no shirt, not intentionally...ok maybe it was. I knew she was nearby. She just so happened to be coming around the corner with Gil. I could see her biting the corner of her lip as her eyes traveled over my body as she passed me. I just smirked at her as I walked by. She wanted it so bad and couldn't even hide it.


"Umm sis did you just eye fuck him just now?!"

"What?! No!"

"Uh that's not what I just saw."

"It wasn't like that."

"So what's up with you two?"


"Mhmm. Y'all have barely been around each other. What's going on?"

"So I found out he put his stuff in my room on the bus. I told him he couldn't since we just signed on the two new guys. He told me he'd bet I couldn't last without his dick and vice versa."

"Y'all a mess. I can't!" I laughed. "So how's it going with that?"

"Gil!! It's been so hard to not have him. He's deliberately tempting me!"

"Oh you haven't been doing the same? I've seen you walking around the bus half naked."

"No, I'm not."

"Mm yeah okay. It makes sense now. Y'all a mess. You just need to stop and fuck each other and get it over with."

"No I'ma win this bet."

"Wait how many days has it been now?"

"It's only been five days and he didn't give a time frame. He just said I couldn't last without him. There's rules in place and he knows this."

"You guys are so dumb! I can't."

"I'm going crazy right now. And my vibrator isn't helping."

"Y'all stupid. And I'm sure it's not helping. Not the way he be putting it down. Keep me posted on how it goes."

"I'ma last longer than him don't worry."

"You'll cave first. I know you."

"No I won't."

"Girl please you so addicted to that dick. You can't help it!"


I wasn't sure what Janet was doing. She had left the group a while ago. Eissa was with us so I knew she was busy with him. He had come in to say goodnight a while ago. I loved that he was with us. He liked to sleep in the bunks. He told us some time ago only babies slept with their mom. So we all hung out for a bit laughing and drinking to make sure he was asleep. Eventually everyone made their way to bed.

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