𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

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I cough. the grip around my throat tightens,  half dangling me off the side of the building . My body bent in a weird and paining position over the ledge ,hands clawing at his grip  "is that all you got " the low and gruff voice bellowed a smirk stretching across his face as he tightens his grip.  I mirror his smirk as his face contorts confused . I kick him hard, using his confusion as a distraction , sending him a few steps back as I regain my balance . his eyes widen in surprise. I walk calmly towards him  as he raises his hand to attack. I crouch down leg extended , just as my instructor taught me , and sweep kick him, losing his balance he falls . being already on the floor I get him in a head lock using my legs. "is that all you got . .  huh? " i say taking in heavy breaths as he claws at my legs. "where are the files stored , speak now or you wont survive tonight " I question harshly.

 He stares un-answering. "oh you know where your loyalties lie" I say in a mocking voice . " oh well I guess you  wont feel the same when your sisters dead" I sigh. His eyes widen . I hate using this card but I have to . " she's at Sarah's isn't she " I say . He freezes " if you lay a finger on her I swear  . . " 

I cut him off " save your breath you cant do anything if your dead , our men are outside that house now waiting for my order " I take a break to breath still breathless from getting strangled "so you better speak up " I order.  

"Its .  . . " he hesitates. " at the Wiscontance building, the main one  " he gasps for air as i loosen my grip. I stand up leaving him on the floor. "wait . . ."  I turn to see him still straggling on the floor he looks up at me "you have to make sure nothing happens to her please " he begs me. I feel bad I know how it feels to have someone you feel your responsibility " Its not her you have to worry about , who knows what Tallarico will do to you when he finds out about the info you gave me " I let out a sigh as i reach the rooftop door which leads to the inside of the building. i wrench down the cold meatal brass handle. I stop for a moment and turn. I walk over to the now standing Ezra and hug him slipping my hand carefully into his back pocket and pulling out his key card 

. I pull away and look at his flushed face "what the . . " before he can finish I briskly walk away holding tightly to his key card . I open the door and begin making my way down the  old tattered stairs . my mind races over the past events . I was suppose to kill him but i couldn't bring myself to do it , if i cant get those files it will be my fault and others would be punished. Just like before. I stop for a moment hearing him pat his pockets and realize what i had just done .  I practically run down the flights of stairs reaching the glass door I sprint out hearing his footsteps behind me. 

I jump into the passenger seat of a black car quickly fastening my seat belt "lets go " I say 

"what happened did you get the information , where is it " i look over at  Raphael . "I tell you later just drive " i almost shout watching Ezra run out of the building  " drive "i say again . " okay okay " Raphael rolled his eyes as we sped away. I watch him as his eyes stay fixated on the road. "wanna know now " I say trying to make up for my harsh behavior "yeah . . . adoy i was asking before " he glances at me making a funny face. I laugh lightly ."its at the main Wiscontance building "i look at him as his face lights up "i told you Runa , waiting for my hundred " he says ecstatic "hey you made that bet not me I did not agree to it " I laugh  

    " nah , stop tryna deny , hand it over " he says hand outreached still looking at the road. "  I did not " i said batting his hand away        

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐲Where stories live. Discover now