Chapter 13, in which Caitlin negotiates with Aliénor

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Caitlin hadn't liked the cappuccino, but she knew she could fetch a decent price for all the coffee boxes in the warehouse. So, she placed them among the essentials. She was finishing jotting it down on the list when Arnaud joined her. She handed him the notebook and a pencil as she scanned the shelves brimming with goods. " Here, take note of the list of items I'm going to give you."

She did not want to take any of the ready-made meals, their state of preservation being too uncertain. If their stay extended, they could always check the contents of those cans later. Not all basic ingredients were equally valuable. Flours, even those that had become scarce, didn't represent such a great value compared to the space they would take up. In the case of spices, however, it was minimal clutter for maximum price.

"And what if we forcibly make our way out?" she said to Arnaud. "We could close the armored door behind us, come back later with a team, and leave with the entire bunker."

"Charge in headfirst? Forget it! We won't take ten steps outside... We're not equipped to win a battle ten against three. I really think negotiation is our best chance. And don't forget, you have Nan. That robot is your treasure, your real profit."

Caitlin admitted that forcing their way out wasn't the brightest idea. But if they had to leave the bunker with just what they had on them, they couldn't bring that much. It would take at least fifteen minutes to reach the car. She herself was fit, and so was Arnaud. But what about the robot?

"Speaking of Nan, do you have any idea of her strength? How much weight do you think she can lift?"

"That's a good question. I'll ask her."

She saw him lean through the open door and heard him shout, "Nan, I have a question for you." Getting no response, he raised his voice and called again, "Nan...?" Still nothing. He disappeared towards the reception, where they had left the humanoid a few minutes earlier.

"No one's in front of the screen anymore!" he shouted.

"What do you mean, no one? She was there two minutes ago!"

And suddenly, she understood! She exclaimed to Arnaud, "Shit! I know where she went!" and rushed towards the stairs, repeating, " Shit! Shit! Shit!"

In the living room, nobody. With a softened voice, she called, "Nan?" She slowed down as she entered the corridor leading to the bedrooms. The parents' door was ajar.

Nan was there, kneeling at the foot of the bed in front of the desiccated corpses of her former masters, her hand resting on Nadia's foot. "I didn't want you to see this...," Caitlin said, as if apologizing. "I understand," Nan replied softly, her face still impassive.

Caitlin found Nadia's note in her pocket and handed it to Nan. "She left this with you." Nan read it, then handed it back. "Humans are a strange species," she said, without further explanation. She stood up and turned to leave. Arnaud had followed them and stood by the door, nervous, his hand on the grip of his gun. "Are you okay, Nan?" he asked.

"I'm fine, Arnaud. Aliénor talked to Clothaire, I think she wants to make an offer."

Nan resumed the path to the entrance. Arnaud and Caitlin followed her. At the reception, on the big screen, they saw Aliénor's grandchildren gathered, but no sign of the matriarch. They finally spotted her, sitting all alone on the steps of the staircase at the entrance of the house.

Arnaud activated the microphone and announced to the group that he wanted to speak to Aliénor. They heard a few "Go ahead!" "No, you go ahead!" and finally, one of the young ones got up and went to fetch his grandmother, who took her time before settling back into her chair.

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