Chapter 64 : Agreements and snags

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Nikola coughed several times as if trying to regain his composure. Harry asked for a drink and it was Lesthia who brought it to him, not without having tasted it first, as she had to do. Voldemort had to admit to himself that he enjoyed the moment. He had torn apart a number of political partners with murderous barbs and unfailing assurances. He had been honest quite often because he had almost always been in the right and often – oh too often – he had had to refrain from torturing them to simply act as he so desired.

So seeing a man crowned emperor long before him, of a kingdom much more immense than his until then... It had a very special flavor, even more so when it was his omega who was responsible for putting him in his place. However, it was him who got all the attention of his 'colleague' while Harry quietly drank his soft drink.

-Is it true ? Is it that simple?

-It's true, Harry asked for me and it's thanks to that that our kingdom becomes much bigger. Sometimes the will of one is enough to turn the world upside down, we know that. But we forget it.

Nikola admired his companion again thoughtfully. Voldemort already had the idea that he should be wary of this air. Really, he thought it was entirely possible that Nikola wanted to take Harry because he knew there were no omegas who would dare look him in the eye in his country. Having an example of a true accomplished omega right under his nose might make him not want to look anywhere else. However, to his great surprise...

-Would you have anyone to advise me, Lord Voldemort?

The black mage felt an intense moment of hesitation within him. Next to it, Harry started laughing and clearly, it was louder than him. The King could guess why. His companion knew many more people than him in relation to his work and even his status. He only had his Inner Circle on hand... Well yes, he also had their families but he didn't know them well enough. The only other omegas that came to mind were Scorpius Malfoy – and it would be giving too much light to this stupid blond guy to mention him – and Neville Longbottom – already more viable but still quite timid which could make everything stuck – so yes, it would not be good advice. Besides, did he even want to be? Why would he help Nikola have more power? Harry was about to speak but Voldemort gently held him back with a hand on his arm.

-And what do I gain from it? You are aware that the only omegas we would have as reliable would be people from my primary kingdom. Why would I entrust a free omega in my country to a man, even an emperor, who would make him a sort of slave?

Voldemort did not forget his first desires, the freedom of omegas. Sure, it might get him in trouble for going down that path but it was the one that had also guided him to his mate. So he would follow him again. Her husband seemed to understand what he was considering as he settled back into his seat more comfortably, his free hand on his stomach. He always stroked without thinking and Voldemort would always find it adorable.

-These are indeed questions that you have the right to ask.

Nikola looked more serious and thoughtful. His magic even stopped seeming threatening, it was much more expectant. Voldemort took a sip of his sherry, waiting for the Emperor to speak again. They didn't have all the time in the world, but they had just opened the first negotiations between their kingdoms. So there was no need to rush.

-This policy really works, at least it seems like it does.

Voldemort understood that one could doubt it but Harry was rather living proof. It was clear that he did not fully control his husband. And the Goddesses keep him from attempting such a thing. He put down his almost empty glass and glanced at Harry. This one seemed perfectly composed but in the connection, he sensed a vague annoyance.


Harry really didn't need to be marked to be loyal to him and his policies. He believed in it just as much, if not more, even though he had lost things. Things... Parents.

-It indeed seems impossible to me to find an omega as courageous as the one sitting with us.

-And who would appreciate it if you stopped acting like he wasn't there. Thomas will not be able to give you the hand of an omega, if that is to happen, it will necessarily require my approval and believe me that at the moment, you do not have it.

Nikola looked at him in astonishment and even disbelief before turning to Voldemort. Voldemort wondering if he realized that this attitude alone was taking away points from him. He stopped himself from snickering and gestured for another drink.

-Nikola, I assure you that it is not my help that you currently want. So stop taking me as your contact at this time, my omega is giving you his time, use it properly before he is in the mood to dismiss you as a negligible quantity.

-I am the emperor of…

-You could be a god it would be the same thing. Do you want to change so that your country is better, yes or no?

Harry was a little rough but awfully sexy. Voldemort felt a vague mocking feeling in the bond but Harry stroked his hand. Nikola stood up and began to analyze a little more this power that he had ignored most of his life.

Yes, definitely, Voldemort had better watch out. We never knew.


-It's barely bearable. I want to put Scorpius in his paws.

-We will avoid creating a new war, omega. Few people deserve Scorpius.

Voldemort helped his husband out of the bathtub in which they had taken their bath, Harry greatly enjoyed being lulled by the water before going to bed. And as they were going to stay a few more days in Stockholm, far from their nest, it was better not to disrupt all the habits of his pregnant companion. Harry grumbled as he struggled to wipe himself clean, Voldemort gladly helped him, lingering on his pubes more than necessary.

-I feel like I have to teach a poorly behaved kid who doesn't have time to listen to me. He seems incredulous every time I prove to him that the laws you lifted on omegas have done good for our country.

-Many thought I was crazy outside our borders. Plus, people rarely like change. To change is to possibly make mistakes and be hurt.

Voldemort was now lingering on Harry's bottom, his free hand on his stomach delivering magic to their young who wiggled lazily to appreciate the benefits. In fact, his omega was leaning heavily against him and Voldemort loved this sweet dependence.

-I especially think that he is afraid that the nobles of his country will try to rebel because he would free their omegas. All this cannot be done without posing serious problems in his nation.

Voldemort nodded and picked up his omega, aware that his feet were hurting. He then placed him on their bed, which was not bad for his back because lowering himself into the nest wasn't so easy with a body in his arms. Harry gave him a small smile and adjusted his position. Voldemort looked at him a little and huffed.

-I'm sure he thought about stealing you from me.

-… Probably. He has proof that I am fertile and strong. Except he is not and never will be my Alpha.

Harry slowly traced the mark he had left on her. As if Voldemort needed any more reason to want to lay him down and take him. He sat down, gestured to blow out most of the candles. Giving an even more mysterious and therefore more delicious air to her husband.

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