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Next morning

Hearing knocking on my door I get up opening the door seeing Emma "Flitwick woke Lily, Aunt Ingrid is here and you've been called to Dumbledore's office you're supposed to bring your pet".

Nodding I quickly change before putting the leash on Story leading her out into the Ravenclaw common room.

Following Flitwick I sneer at the other students who stare at us, getting in the office I sit down petting Story while seeing Lucius Malfoy standing in the room.

"This is the problem that's come up she refuses to give over the Ghoul" Dumbledore says smugly.

"You brought me in because she caught a pet?" Ingrid says frowning.

"A ghoul is a troublesome pet for someone her age, it's loud and throws things it would most likely end up falling to you for care" he says.

"My nieces are strong willed, loud, and throw things it would be no different than having them home, Hermione would also have no problem dealing with it and caring for it when home, now Lord Malfoy were you able to confirm she bonded with it and was willing accepted?"

Lucius nods "yes the Centaurus confirmed she captured it herself without hurting it, calmed it, and gained it trust enough to willing accept food and clothes from her. I can also confirm the bond between them" he says glaring at Dumbledore "the ghoul belongs to her and it's her choice if she wishes to give it up".

Rolling my eyes I huff glaring at everyone "her name is Story and she's mine I will allow my aunt to take her home, but I refuse to relinquish her as my pet".

Ingrid nods picking her up like a child while grabbing her hands "alright Story will be at home waiting for you, I'll start on setting up her area".

Nodding I smile petting her again before looking at Ingrid "she likes beetles best".

I watch them leave with Lucius as I walk out heading for breakfast, sitting down I see Pansy and Milli sit across from me.

"Everyone's talking about your pet ghoul you had here, some are saying it's been here all year hidden and they could hear it making noises so they couldn't sleep" Pansy says rolling her eyes.

"Impressive I hide her almost a whole year before getting caught" I snark.

"My family has one in the celler it likes banging on the old cell bars, it can leave the area any time and annoys the elves often" Pansy says sighing.

"Ours stays in the shed and keeps gnomes out of the yard, last time one came in it left covered in scratches and had bite marks all over it" Milli says laughing.

"Mines a girl named Story, she spent the night slamming her fists on our doors or the tables till Lily tied her up and put her in my room"

Two weeks later

Hearing knocking on the Slytherin door I get up opening it seeing Pansy and Milli with a two other girls.

"Yeah?" I ask.

Pansy walks in leading the others to the common room "we are having a sleepover, this is Daphne Greengrass and Tisiphone Carrow".

"Right when did I agree to this?" I ask.

"You didn't we did, it's Friday and we are spending the weekend together" Milli says sitting down.

"You do know Lily stays in this area right?"

"Yes, they are included" Pansy answers looking around "this is nice and smells better without all the stink from the boys being lazy".

A few hours later

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