"To freedom!" The four girls shout over the crowd and the music as they clink their shot glasses together before tapping them to the table and finally tipping them back into their mouths.
"I don't think you two should have said that with us, but, I suppose we can pretend you have some semblance of freedom." Jisoo points an already slightly unsteady finger in the direction of the only taken people in their group.
"Jisoo, don't make me hurt you today." Seulgi slides an arm around Irenes waist, lifting a challenging eyebrow in Jisoo's direction as she rolls her eyes at them.
"As if you-" Jisoo's tipsy tirade is cut off before it can truly begin.
"Woah, let's just stop while we're ahead. You're both bad bitches. You can both kick each other's asses. Great. Moving on." Roseanne passes out another round to everyone."You know we don't need to drink these all in one go, right?" Seulgi looks skeptically at the tray of shots still mostly loaded. "Because personally, I do not want to be responsible for dragging Jisoo's drunk ass back to the hotel."
"I second that." Irene chips in, her eyes darting over to Jisoo who is appearing to have trouble blinking...or unblinking perhaps.
"Yea, maybe you should stick to your regular drink." Roseanne subtly pushes the fruity mixed drink Jisoo had ordered closer to her and pulls the shot glass back. Jisoo really was a lightweight. It came from years of built up intolerance from lack of actually participating in anything besides studying.
"It's my spring break and I'm going to enjoy myself!" Jisoo snatches her shot before Roseanne can move them completely out of her reach. She knocks it back almost impressively minus the streaks of liquid that don't quite make it in and are flowing down her neck and dampening the collar of her shirt.
"Well, when in Switzerland!" Roseanne grabs her own and shoots it back much smoother. Wiping the few stray drops off of her lips with the back of her wrist. She chases it down with her Cuba Libre ready to start feeling as good as Jisoo looks like she feels.
"Sure. When in Switzerland." Seulgi lifts her shot in the air, tapping it against Irenes and downing it quickly. They dont waste any time and manage to polish off the remaining shots with precision, being sure to distract Jisoo while Roseanne and Seulgi each take one of her extras. She really doesn't need any more.
"Let's dance!" She's raising her hands above her head, swaying in a rhythm entirely separate to the music that's slowly been getting louder and taking up more of the airspace. Seulgi and Irene make themselves busy staring into each other's slightly glazed over eyes and making Roseanne want to puke up all the drinks she's been sliding down her throat.
"Let's dance!" Roseanne grabs Jisoo's hand out of the air, well, her arm as she can't really reach her hand, and drags her out to the middle of the floor. They get swallowed by the crowd, the path they took to get to their spot disappearing as fast as it had appeared.
Roseanne's always liked dancing. She isn't particularly good at it but it's a miracle she can even use her legs so she doesn't take them for granted. Jisoo, well, Jisoo is much less experienced with dancing in an informal setting. Give her a foxtrot and she'll crush it. Get her drunk in a club and she looks like a flailing rubberband. So weird.
Even with her lack of skills, within a matter of minutes a tall, long-haired guy steps up beside her and starts to move in. Roseanne makes sure Jisoo is okay with it, which she certainly appears to be, and takes a half step away. She will be keeping an eye on him though. Girlcode and stranger danger and all that.
"Can I buy you a drink?" Soon some tall, dark, and handsome type dude sidles up next to her. He's dancing like he's on ecstasy, his body is moving so fast. He's got a charming smile though and nice looking eyes. Couldn't hurt to get a free drink. Roseanne turns in time to catch Seulgi's eye. She's looking out for them too from the comfort of the little table she and Irene are still occupying. Roseanne nods in Jisoo's direction and Seulgi waves her off getting the message. Seulgi is officially on Jisoo watch and Roseanne is free to keep loosening up.
"I haven't seen you here before. I would have remembered." He leans in close to her to strike up conversation. Which, as a pickup line, is kind of lame. Plus, his accent is weird. But not unpleasant. Just a weird mixture.
"Because I've never been here!" Roseanne chooses to shout her response. She doesn't feel like giving him any ideas. Yet. He's not terrible. Like, he would do if she did decide to celebrate her newfound freedom. Seulgi and Jisoo had been right. Breaking up with Michael right before spring break was actually the best timing possible.
"Right. I'm JC." His breath tickles the baby hairs on her neck. He really isn't one for personal space she realizes. She politely tells him her own name. From there they just kind of awkwardly stand next to each other waiting to get up to the bar. Bar La Vasseur must be the hot spot in the Swiss Alps, she concludes.
A space finally clears at one end of the bar and a young woman waves them over. And hello, beautiful. Roseanne's eyes lock with hers with an intensity she wasn't prepared for. She must look like a creep but she can't look away.
"What will you have?" Her silky smooth accent is made to destroy. Roseanne feels a twinge between her legs when the girl catches her staring at her and a hint of a smile creeps onto her lips. They're great lips too.
Roseanne honestly doesn't know where to look. On one hand, her rich brown eyes flecked with gold are dangerously satisfying. There are those kissable lips to enjoy. Her jawline is razorsharp too though and it is its own sight to be seen. And then again, her collared shirt, buttoned all the way to the top draws Roseanne's attention to her neck that, while slim, is noticeably strong and defined.
"Hey!" JC bumps her shoulder even as he's shouting at her. Jesus Christ, just pick one. "What do you want?"
Was that meant to be a loaded question? The way this girl is staring into her soul she suspects she might have been very aware of Roseanne's thorough inspection. Had JC noticed too? Probably so if the way he half turns his back to the bartender and positions himself slightly in front of her is any indication. He even moves his elbow up resting it on the bartop creating a semi barrier between them.
"What's your specialty?" Roseanne steps over a few inches effectively getting around him to speak directly to the bartender. Making sure she's pressed right against the bar, leaning over the slightest bit and taking full advantage of the low cut shirt she landed on while getting ready. The bartender's eyes flick down more than once and Roseanne would call that a success.
"I've got a lot of specialties." She leans ever closer to Roseanne to avoid shouting. Oh, God, that innuendo is thick and her voice feels like honey dripping down Roseanne's spine.
"And I've got high standards." Roseanne can play this game. Roseanne loves this game. "Some people can't handle it."
"I can handle it. Give me a try." She almost imperceptibly licks her lips drawing Roseanne's eyes right back to them. She's very vaguely aware that JC is exhaling loudly beside her. Then becomes more aware that he's beside her as his hand is settling over her shoulder while he leans closer to the bartender.
"Just get us two beers already." Roseanne watches as her jaw sets (very hot), her eyes become piercing as they're directed towards him (also, super fucking hot), and then she disregards him completely and moves her gaze right back to little ol' Roseanne (could not get any hotter if she tried).
"You were going to tell me what you want, correct?" Yes, ma'am. Roseanne shrugs off JC's arm, leaning more heavily into the bartop, exposing a fraction more of her hopefully enticing cleRoseannege. This girl deserved a little reward for all that effort. A full blown grin takes over the bartender's lips as her eyes ever so casually accept what's being offered to them.