Mission Possible?

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Black Knight Team's POV

The members of the Black Knight team except for Lee were prepared to put their plan into action. Lee was unaware of these plans because Pop was afraid that Lee wouldn't let them go through with it. Afterall Lee was the sunshine of the group, he never wanted to harm someone unless they deserved it and well did someone from  Golden Phoenix deserve to be held hostage by this team? No, he didn't. Let me rewind a bit...


Pop had gathered the members to discuss his plans on how to stop their rival team, Golden Phoenix. Since Garfield already knew about the plan, Pop sent him with Lee to the market so that he could talk to the members without having to worry.

"My plan is that we abduct a naive member from that team and-" said Pop

"Nope, not happening " interrupted Sailub

"Oh you're such an uncle" said Pop while rolling his eyes

"Ai Pop! You wanna get hit?" said Sailub in frustration

"I'll help. You're not the only one who is 30 here P'Sai" said Ping from behind

"Whatever. As for the plan, this is the only way they won't go to the meeting and get humiliated. Don't you want them to get degraded?" Asked Pop

"We do but..." said Pavel

"But what? We have no other choice. We work our ass off to gain respect and they just sit around, do nothing and get an invite?" Asked Pop in anger

"Pop calm down first. We do have no choice but how are we going to plan everything? It's not going to be easy doing this" interrupted Ping

"I have it all planned out here, wanna see?"  Questioned Pop

"Wow you're much smarter than I expected P'Pop. I have one condition though. I will only agree to go ahead with the plan if the hostage isn't harmed or hurt by us" spoke Raven

"Okay first, I am smart. Second, don't worry we won't harm Topten" said Pop

"TOPTEN?! Are you crazy Pop? Michael will literally murder all of us. I ain't even on his team and I know how obsessed he is with that boy" shouted Sailub

"That is exactly why we kidnap Topten. Topten is an easy target, not saying that he's weak. No. He's exactly the opposite but Topten is much easier than the other members" explained Pop

"Is this Mission Impossible or Mission Possible?Whatever, go on" said Raven

"Rave, do you ever smile?" Asked Pavel

"If there's a reason to, yes" replied Raven

"Well, don't we give you happiness?" Asked Sailub

"No, the only thing you guys give me is a headache" said Raven

"Well that's mean. Anyways back to the plan. It is currently 11 AM right now, according to the information I have right here, the members of that team are going to the mall today to see some designer clothes for their meeting. Topten will be assisting them to choose their outfits since he is the one with the best fashion sense. If by chance he ever leaves the group even for a split second Ping has to cause a distraction. Then Raven can grab him and put him into the van. Garfield can keep an eye on the other members and the rest of us have to act as normal as we can. They have to think that it's just a coincidence that we are there in the mall at the same time. The spies that I have planted for them have reported that the team is already tensed due to some threats given to their youngest member, Amber. For this mission, Raven you have to be wearing gloves and a mask. Gloves so that no fingerprints are left anywhere and a mask so that no one recognises you" explained Pop
"Has everyone understood the plan?"

"Yes" said everyone in unison.

"What about P'Lee? Does he know about this?" Asked Raven

"No and we can't let him find out till Topten is safely back home with us" said Pop

"I hope you know you're putting yourself and us,both, in danger because of your plan" said Pavel

"I know P'Pavel. But what else can we do?"

"He's right. But I swear that not one scratch will come upon Topten" swore Ping

"Me too" said all of them

Skip to Lee and Garfield

"Garfield this is weird. You never accompany me or anyone else, other than Rave,to the market. Is something going on with you?" Asked Lee

"Yah! What are you talking about Lee? I just wanted some fresh air and anyway the mansion was somehow getting too conjusted for me" replied Garfield

"Okay well...since you're here with me I'm going to give you a list of things that you have to buy while I do the rest of the shopping, understand?" said Lee

"Lee I beg you, come along with me. I can't shop alone" cried Garfield

"You're not a kid anymore. Shoo, go on!" Said Lee while parting ways with Garfield

"Now where am I supposed to find milk?" Thought Garfield to himself

Garfield was looking around not noticing anything in from of him and he accidentally bumped into someone making him fall on top of them. When their eyes locked both of them froze at the same time. They couldn't believe their eyes.

"You..." Said Garfield

"You...." Said the unknown person

Word count: 900

A/N- Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter because it was a long one. So well let the games begin I suppose ;) Don't forget to vote and comment. Another thing, for my KentaKim story many people have requested me to continue the story so I will continue it for some more time. I'm also currently working on completing the "All Of Us Are Dead - Pitbabe version" so that I could publish it altogether. For now byeee take care <3

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