~Chapter 2~

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We arrived at class and quickly settled into our seats as Miss Anne, our homeroom teacher, entered for attendance.

"Shania Harper," she called.

"Here, Miss!" Shania responded.

"Joanna Sloane."


And so it went until there was a knock on the door. Vean and a guy I didn't recognize stood there, waiting for Miss Anne's attention.

"Explain your lateness, both of you," Miss Anne demanded, her glasses perched sternly on her nose.

"Please forgive us, Miss. We were running late because of prefect duties," Vean and the guy bowed their heads, awaiting her response.

"Hmm... Enter. This is your last warning," she warned, gesturing to their seats. They hurried to their places, pulling out their history textbooks. As Vean passed my desk, I noticed her blushing face.

What had her feeling so flustered?

"Class, a reminder that this Saturday is mandatory school attendance. I'll be distributing blue or pink flower bracelets for prom. After that, we'll resume with our lesson. Understood?" she announced, her tone less than pleased. We all nodded in understanding.

With that, she began teaching.

The lunch bell rang, signaling it was time to eat. We headed to the cafeteria together, lining up for food. Opting for a healthy choice, I grabbed a salad, an apple, and a juice box.

Seated at our usual table near the window overlooking the college garden, I found comfort in the familiar surroundings.

How nice it would be to stroll in the garden with someone I love, sharing my story as they listened intently.

Lost in thought, I was snapped back to reality when Barion shook me vigorously. He'd been my friend since childhood, popular with his brunette hair, sparkling eyes, and plump lips—qualities that drew admiration from everyone, including Jeanette.

She'd been begging me to set her up with him, but I'd warned her he wasn't interested in relationships. I'd tried once, but it ended in tears for the poor girl he'd dated.

"Barion, could you not?" I snapped, his recent behavior grating on my nerves. He flashed an awkward smile at the onlookers.

"No need to shout, Jen. Sorry," he apologized half-heartedly. I sighed, forgiving him despite my annoyance.

"What's up? I'm tired," I said, fiddling with my salad, dangerously close to dipping my head in it.

"Well, with prom coming up—" Barion began, but was interrupted by a loud voice.

"Julian!" Sharyl exclaimed, the most self-centered girl in college, still obsessed with him despite his rejection of her advances.

"Hi, Barion!" Jeanette greeted him eagerly, but Barion's response was lukewarm. How long would it take her to notice?

"Am I invisible? No one greeted me," I joked as my friends settled into their seats.

"Sorry, Jenia. We mistook you for a stick," Sharon quipped, earning a gasp of mock outrage from me.

"How dare you?!" I teased, crossing my arms.

As conversation flowed and food was eaten, I noticed Vean's unusual silence.

Was she hiding something?



Updated on : 17th May 2024

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