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(I noticed many of you read the story but only a few vote

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(I noticed many of you read the story but only a few vote. Moonlights, it just takes you a second to vote but every single vote means a lot to me. Please vote on the chapters and comment too. It gives me inspiration to write more fast!!)


The Kim family looked at YN with a shocked expression when they heard what she said. Even Hwan and Jiha were shocked even though they didn't understand a single thing.

"YN, do you know what you are saying?" Jimin asked, breaking the silence. YN nodded her head.

"I do know, Oppa. And you all trust me, right?" she asked, and all of them nodded their heads without any hesitation.

She smiled and said, "Then it's decided. You all are coming to Kim Industries with me today," she repeated, her voice filled with determination.

Everyone looked at each other and sighed before the Kim brothers nodded their heads at YN's sudden request or decision(?)

Jin was the first to break the new silence, his voice filled with curiosity. "But why, YN? What's so urgent at Kim Industries? We did decided to not to go anywhere till we finish our mission"

YN took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts. "There's something I need to do. Something important that could change everything for us and also help us in our mission" she explained, her eyes reflecting a mix of urgency and resolve.

Namjoon stepped forward, his analytical mind already working. "Cutie, Are you sure it's safe? Given everything that's happened, we need to be cautious."

YN nodded firmly. "I understand, Oppa. But I promise, it's necessary. Trust me on this."

Yoongi, always the pragmatic one, chimed in. "Alright, YN. We trust you. But we'll be prepared for anything."

With a collective nod of agreement, the Kim family readied themselves for whatever awaited them at Kim Industries. They knew that as long as they stood together, they could face any challenge that came their way.

Jin scooped up Ha-joon, who looked at him with wide eyes. "Is Imo going to do something cool, Dad?"

Jin chuckled softly, ruffling his son's hair. "I think so, Ha-joon. We can just wait now" he said. Ha-joon nodded his head.

Here, YN cleared her throat getting everyone's attention again. "So, we will leave now. Oppa, don't forget to cover your faces. We don't want anyone to see you guys yet" The Kim brothers nodded their heads.

YN and Kim brothers came outside the house and saw three cars standing. They got in the cars and the drivers drove them to Kim Industries.

The Hyung line was in the first, in the second was the makane line while YN was in the last car. The brothers were already very curious and confused from the time YN told them that they are going to Kim Industries with her today.

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