Chapter 5 [Meeting]

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So uh, yeah i haven't written cuz of complications. And my scalp is still bleeding. At least it's not that bad anymore.

Anyways here's a new chapter.

The Dwarfs were of humongous help. The village is forming nicely within the vise of the Dwarfs. The buildings were neatly planned out there was even a new workshop where the Dwarfs built the necessary items they needed. It was crazy how the process was going. Rimuru was very pleased and was doing their best to keep the village intact.

Gobta, a hobogoblin managed to return to the village on his own. Apparently, Rimuru forgot about him and left him in the confines of the dwarven prison. Luckily, he managed to escape on his own and summon a familiar which was one of the direwolves and escape his very own imprisonment. Now, he was trying to teach other hobogoblins how to summon a familiar. Although, it isn't really going that well, he sucks at explaining things and simply just demonstrates it. He will most likely not succeed in his little teaching.

Surprisingly, the goblins were actually really good at cooking; something that did shock Sans. I guess you really shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Hell, he can't even do something as simple as boiling water, it can apparently burn whenever he's the one making it.

He's definitely a disaster in the kitchen, no doubt about that. At least this food was good, Sans definitely ate his fill. At the very least he can taste food unlike a certain someone.

"How do you even eat with your mouth closed..." Rimuru questions as they looked suspiciously towards Sans who was sitting in the corridor not really wanting to be treated like a leader by the goblins.

"Magic~" Sans says while doing jazz hands as he chuckes lightly while he looks at towards Rimuru beside him.

"I seem to never get answers from you." Rimuru says with obvious disappointment laced in the tone of their voice. Rimuru then jumped up to the little table Sans waa eating on

"Answers aren't gonna be shaken outta my skull. After all, I have quite the thick skull." Sans smugly answers as he looked to the side, grinning like usual.

"Yeah, right.." Rimuru says plainly, they would've rolled their eye if they were able to.

"What? Did ya loose your funny bone?" Sans snarkly replies as he looked to the food and somehow ate it.

"Jokes on you, I don't have bones" Rimuru replies proudly, having a counter to the said pun.

"Awh, it was pretty punny anyways" Sans says out of habit as he took another bite

"How much puns can you even churn out of that thick skull of yours?" Rimuru asks somewhat jokingly as they leaped down to the ground

"A Sans-sational amount. Or you could say a Skele-ton" Sans replies snarkly as his food is finally finished much to the oddity of the situation.

"who knew that your name can also be used as a pun." Rimuru responds to Sans's terrible puns

"By the way, how is ruling this village with around 500 goblins going for you?" Sans questions curiously as he definitely remembers how the goblins simply just increases in amount as Rigurd preaches as if Rimuru and somehow Sans was their god.

Honestly, this whole fiasco was looking more like a cult than anything.

"Can you even call this a village now?" Rimuru says as they looked towards the village, eyeing the tents.

"Well, I guess not." Sans says with a light shrug to it, and then adds"Hey it really isn't my fault. They popped up here and wanted protection and a home. Who am I, to turn them away?"


"It's fine! The Dwarfs managed to make accommodations for all of them." Rimuru answers, being one of the most obvious answer in Sans's eyes.

"I can definitely see that y'know? Im literally here." Sans says as he narrows his eye socket at Rimuru.

"Right... I kind of forgotten about that part." Rimuru says as they sheepishly rubbing their head

Suddenly, a sound in the distance was heard, this put their idle conversation to a halt. The two swung their head towards the location of the said sound; the area where it happened had birds fleeing from it. It wasn't really hard to pinpoint the location.

Sans and Rimuru gave glances to one another before immediately sprawling into action and going to the forest. By the sounds of it, this was most likely a fight. Sans used a shortcut on the way there. He's already ventured in that area before, obviously that fils the requirements for his shortcut. Suddenly he shotcuts himself to the said location, dragging Rimuru as well.

Rimuru somehow took the shortcut pretty well as he doesn't seem to be disoriented at all. They probably either have been to a lot of roller-coasters or incapable of feeling dizzy. Probably the latter though, slimes probably doesn't even have an inner ear to begin with.

Sans traces his eye back onto the fight, he watches as he recognizes the three of them from the cave back then. The person with a mask was fighting skillfully with their fire-infused sword easily taking out all of the gigantic red ants. But then, suddenly, she immediately fell down onto her knees, using her sword to balance herself as she frantically gasps for air, as if something just occurred to their body. The ant was just about to strike when they decided to intervene

"Shizu!?" The other girl says worriedly as she run up to the masked girl

A bone and a black lightning shot through the air, effectively taking out the gigantic red ant in one singular strike. It was pretty much over kill because the shockwave it made was way too strong for comfort.

"Shizu!" The blonde haired person says as she runs up to 'Shizu' and then asks "Are you okay?"

Their mask flew to the air because of the sheer force of the blast. Sans shortcuts the said mask to his hand and the handed it to Rimuru. Then afterwards he shortcuts his very own self to yet another tree, wanting to observe for a bit.

"Y-yeah..." Shizu replies as she places her hand onto her forehead being quite disoriented by the initial attack

"What was that...?" The brown-haired guy questions as he doesn't recognize who had launched that attack it was alarming to say the least

"It was like a black thunderbolt... and a bone..." The yellow haired guy responds confusingly, just relaying what he saw. A bit dumbfounded by the bone though.

"The black lightning is just way too strong after all. I will need to seal that one away for sure" Rimuru says to no one as their gazes fell onto the slime. Sans was already leaning back onto a tree, preferring to observe the group a bit before interacting.

The group picked up their weapons warily as they faced the source of the sound.

When the dust from teb earlier attack had cleared up, they all collectively says "A Slime?"

"What, Got a problem with slimes?" Rimuru says as they slowly move up to the lady handing the mask to her

"Uhh... I guess not" The brown haired man says in a low confused voice

"Just never thought that I'd hear one speak..." The other guy says sheepishly, trying to wrap their head in this conundrum

"This is unbelievable..." The yellow haired girl says as she stares dumbfoundedly at Rimuru.

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