Chapter - 1 ( New World!!)

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He slowly opens his eyes and looks up, noticing that his house roof looks strange. Trying to get up from his bed, he realizes, "Why does my body feel so small?" He looks at his hands and body, which also seem like a child's. Confused, he thinks, "I must still be dreaming." He pinches his chin and feels pain, making him even more puzzled.

Slowly, he walks to a mirror and is shocked by what he sees. "Why do I look like a child? Why is my hair yellow, my eyes blue, and why do I have whiskers on my face?" His confusion deepens, and he starts thinking, "Yellow hair, blue eyes, and whiskers... who has those?" Suddenly, it hits him—"Naruto... wait, what? This must be a dream." He tries to wake himself up but soon realizes he can't because this is reality. He is trapped in the body of a 5-year-old Naruto. Sitting down, he starts to think deeply about his situation.

He starts thinking, "Why is this happening? Why now? What happened to my real world, and how did I end up in Naruto's body?" He can't bring himself to believe that he has become his favorite character from the show. Lying on the floor, he looks up at the roof and closes his eyes.

Suddenly, he wakes up and says, "What's happened has happened. It's not going to change. I must live like Naruto. He's my favorite anime character. I know everything that's going to happen in this world. I've even finished 'Naruto Next Generations.' Why should I worry about being trapped in Naruto's body?" He motivates himself and thinks, "I have no problem living as Naruto. First, I must visit the entire village and see what it looks like. I'm interested."

With renewed determination, he gets up, ready to explore and embrace his new reality.

He changes into Naruto's outfit, feeling a mix of happiness and curiosity as he prepares to explore the village. Stepping outside, he exclaims, "Wow! It's so unreal." The surroundings look just like Naruto's world, reminiscent of the 17th or 18th century compared to his own modern world. "Well, I don't care. I must enjoy my new life," he thinks.

He starts running, marveling at the village. "Wow, it looks amazing! I can't believe I'm enjoying village life. Living in a big city with so much pollution, this fresh air is invigorating." He continues to run around, taking in the sights, until he suddenly crashes into someone and trips.

"Ouch! That hurts. Hey mister, where are you going? Didn't you see what happened in front of you? How can you do that?"

The mysterious man replies, "Hey kid, why are you talking to my knees? My face is up here." (because naruto is child)

Naruto looks up to see the man holding a book and wearing a mask. He starts to think, "He looks familiar."

The man looks naruto and says, "Hey kid, just go and play around!" ( that man knows something)

Naruto thinks, "He has a mask and books... he must be Kakashi-sensei." His curiosity piqued, he starts to follow Kakashi. However, due to his child-sized body, he struggles to keep up. Naruto tries to follow as Kakashi takes a left turn, but when he rounds the corner, Kakashi is nowhere to be seen.

"What? Where is he? Where did he go?" Naruto wonders aloud.

Unbeknownst to him, Kakashi is right behind him, listening to his musings with a bemused smile.

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Naruto!!!!Where stories live. Discover now