Helping Others...Even if it Hurts

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AN: who's ready for Drama!!!!


Courtney's POV


Wawanakwa Law Firm

9:00 AM

I was just walking into the office I had a busy schedule today with consultations, contracts and a meeting I had later today.

All in all business as usual.

" Oh, Miss. Preston your first client is here already they're in your office waiting for you " said the receptionist smiling at me " Oh I thought my first consultation wasn't til 9:15? " I asked looking at the time "Yes but she insisted on seeing you right away " she explained.

" Okay then thank you for letting me know " I replied before walking to my office, I hope they didn't think of me as being late.

I don't think there was a name on the appointment it was noted that they wanted to be anonymous.

As I saw my office coming into view I suddenly saw something familiar with the client and then that's when I recognized that blue hair.

My morning started off being very good; I woke up, did some yoga, and got ready for work, Duncan called me or should I say flirted with me while ate breakfast.

And now all of it was gonna down in flame 🔥 because of my anger rising, but I was attempting to push it to the side so that I wouldn't yell at who I was seeing right now.

Taking a deep breath I walk to my office and this person is lucky there's glass cause I would have killed her if there wasn't.

" Good Morning, I'm sorry for being late " I greet walking in " No you're not late I'm just early," said Gwen watching me as I put my purse and briefcase down before taking my seat.

Turning my computer 🖥️ on I focus on it for now...

" I'm sorry for not putting my name...I figure you wouldn't see me if I used it Courtney " she explains trying to be calm " But I've heard you're a great lawyer and come highly recommended " Gwen adds trying to make conversation.

Once my screen was showing I pulled up my agenda for today and sure enough there it was my first appointment 📆...

9:15 AM -  ***Guest anonymous - Divorce Consultation

" Before we start I'd like to know your last name please " I state now facing Gwen " It's currently Mrs. Berkley but I'll be changing it to my maiden name Miss. Harrison " she answered sounding depressed.

" Understood Miss. Harrison's first name Gwen? "
I asked typing on the keyboard ⌨️ " yes " answered Gwen.

Grabbing a note 🗒️ pad and pen 🖊️ I look Gwen face to face " I understand that you're here today in regards to divorce. " I asked "Yes, my husband recently sent me papers so that we could proceed with it " explains Gwen trying to breathe" What's the cause of the divorce? " I asked making notes "A few years ago we had a dispute over old friends and he's had trust issues with me from an incident that happened 10 years ago before we got married," said Gwen looking at me scared and I knew well of she was talking about.

" You know I think it's best you talk to one of my other associates they will be much better help than me," I said turning to my computer to see who else was free.

" No Courtney please I need you to listen to me just once " pleads Gwen leaning over my desk "How could you could you do that to me? " I asked facing her my eyes getting wet.

Justice & Rhythm PT.2: Nothing I Won't Do For YouWhere stories live. Discover now