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Husker shoved it towards Lucifer. "Just take the damn thing!" He stormed away towards the stairs.

Lucifer grumbled to himself, and just pushed the bottle away. "Alastor, are you oka-" He frowned, gazing at Alastor who stood in the middle of the lobby with his head down. "Alastor..."

Alastor stood still, his ear twitching quickly.

"Are- are you ok?" Lucifer stood up, taking a few slow steps towards Alastor.

Alastor looked up at Lucifer, his smile still there, but his expression looked numb. "I must be off to my tower your majesty."

Lucifer frowned, and as Alastor began to walk off, he grabbed his arm.

"Let. Go. Of. Me. Your majesty."

Lucifer held a firm grip on Alastor's arm. "You can talk to me."

"I would rather not." Alastor tugged his arm free, and continued towards the elevator.

"Alastor!" Lucifer shouted, "you can't just walk away!"

"Why? You did when I asked you to talk." Alastor scoffed, pressing the up button on the outside of the elevator.


"Stop it Lucifer, what Husker said to me does not concern you."

Lucifer growled. "You live in my daughters hotel, and I Want to know what potential trouble could arupt into a fight."

Alastor clenched his teeth, and turned his head towards the short king. "I said StOp LuCiFeR." He stormed into the elevator, the doors closing in front of him.

"We-well- Fuck You Al!" Lucifer snarled, watching the deer demon disappear from his view. He spun around, storming towards the bar. He tugged at his blonde hair, and sat down onto a bar stool.

Angel walked into the room, his eyebrow raised. "Ooh~ are short king, and radio creep arguing?"

Lucifer laughed awkwardly, trying not to snap at Angel Dust.

"You suck at flirting~"

"I wasn't flirting with him."

Angel smirked. "Apple Daddy likes bambi~ooh~" Angel chuckled, seeming amused.

"Don't call me that!" Lucifer took a deep breath, trying to keep it cool.

"Do you know where Husk went off to?" Angel Dust changed the subject, looking around the room.

"He went that way." He pointed across the lobby. "I think to the game room."

"Thanks short king." Angel paced across the room.

Lucifer rubbed his forehead, sighing. A sudden muffled scream echoed from upstairs, and sounded vaguely familiar. Lucifer hopped off the stool, and teleported to the hallways on the upper floor. He took quiet steps across the wood floor, and listened around. He couldn't pin point where the sound came from. Lucifers head shot towards the sound of a loud screech. Lilith... Lilith!?! Lucifer teleported to Alastor's radio tower. His eyes grew wide, and his whole body froze. Lucifer felt as if he couldn't move a single one of his limbs.

Lilith was laying in a pile of broken radios.

"Lilith-" Lucifer mumbled, hardly being able to get the words out. "Wh-what?" He felt like she couldn't breath, but his legs sprinted over to the queen. "Lilith!!" His eyes filled with tears, and he rammed into his wife, embracing in a tight hug.

Lilith smiled, as she hugged the king of hell. "Luci~" she purred, squeezing him tighter, then finally letting him go.

Lucifer forced a question out, while still in shock. "Y-you're here... H-how?"

Lilith's face turned emotional, and she looked over towards Alastor, who was at the far end of the radio tower staring at her. "This, this demon attacked me when I tried to get into the hotel. I was about to fight back, but then you appeared in the room Luci."

Radio static sounded from Alastor, his antlers growing in size.

"H-he through me into his pile of radios." Lilith whined.

Alastor's eyes began to turn to radio dials.

Lucifers eyes turned bright red, his horns protruding from his head. A golden snake floated around his horns, engulfing a fiery blaze of fire. His wings sprouted, and his tail whipped out from behind him. "AlÆßtœr!" He flew towards the radio demon, grabbing him by the collar of his suit. Lucifer picked the deer up, holding a firm grip on him. He pushed him against the wall, pressing hard against Alastor's neck. "Don't you dare touch my wife AGAIN!" He spun around, and roughly flung Alastor across the room.

Alastor almost passed out from choked, not being conscience enough to stop himself from falling. He crashed through the window of his radio tower, falling down from the top of the hotel.

Lucifer huffed, looking over at Lilith. "Let's go find Charlie!"

Lilith stood up. "One second Luci, I have to go do something real quickly. You go find Charlie, and I'll meet you in the lobby."


Lilith made her way outside the hotel, over to Alastor who had hit the ground hard. She chuckles.

Alastor weakly turns his head, trying to get up. "You LiAr!" He snarls, sitting up. His tendrils shooting out from behind his back. "You lied to Lucifer! You attacked me first, before I through you into the radios!" He stoop up, grasping Lilith with his tendrils.

"Nuh uh uh~ I wouldn't do that if I were you~" She burst the tendrils with her power, causing Alastor to gasp. "I own your soul, remember? Now you better keep this whole thing a secret, do you understand"

"Y-yes, Lilith."

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