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Dear lord in heavens it sadden us that you took her but  we can't remonstrate we can only pray for her to rest in peace .
She was a real human and a very kindhearted woman , Dear Lord  treat her With great benevolence and forgive her sins.
Dear lord in heavens give her family and her beloved ones strength to overcome this calamity and may she always Look after them from up there. Amen.
Prayed the pastor and turned to her son  on his side, holding his hand  "i'm so sorry for your loss " he said consolingly,Donghyuck nodded weakly and excused himself first and walked  to where he parked his car.
Mark, his friend watched him from a far then followed after him" Donghyuck! " he called when he noticed that his friend was ready to drive away" donghyuck wait! ".

Donghyuck Looked up at Mark and asked" what's it?".
His once sparkling livily eyes Looked swollen and red , he had eye bags, and dark circles, he Looked so tired.
" i will drive you " said Mark and opened the driver's door  gesturing donghyuck to move to the other seet. The latter moved and mumbled a Little "thank you".
It was a very quiet drive Mark had a lot to say but seeing how tired donghyuck was made him choose to drive in silance until he reached his friend's house.
Stopping the car, they sat there for almost 5 minutes Just observing the buliding,Mark wonderd if donghyuck wanted to Just go somewhere else, maybe like his mother's house.

"Can i stay in your place for a few days?" asked donghyuck looking down "i_ i Just can't stay here for now" he added.

"of course! You can stay as long as you want, let's  go inside bring some clothes and then go" said Mark and reached for the door ready to unlock it when donghyuck suddenly grabed his hand " Let's Just Go Already".

"What? What About Your Stuff? You are going to need them"

"i can manage for now and it's not like i will live With you forever hyung"

"if you say so..." sighed Mark in defeat and started the car again.


2 days passed since Donghyuck's Mother passed away ,  the Wound in Donghyuck's heart kept bleeding and  bleeding. he was in denail. He Refused to go back to his apartment and even in Mark's place he shut himself inside the room Mark gave him, be rarely went out of it or talked to his friend who was doing his best to change donghyuck's mood, he bought him the chocolate he liked but donghyuck won't even Look at it.

"hyuck i know you are hurting but you can't be like this forever" said Mark  when donghyuck Refused to eat.
"hyung i thought i was giving her space i thought time will heal her but i was wrong, God i-it's think it's my fault" he covered his face with both of his hands and started sobbing.
And that how the 2 days were passing for the first Day of living in Mark's place, Mark bringing food to donghyuck's room, he won't eat and he starts to Cry and blame himself for his mother's suicide. Mark was helpless, he was doing everything he could to cheer the younger but nothing seemed to work , he told donghyuck that he will take a week off so he could stay With him and that made donghyuck feel even worse, he felt like burden.

On The 3rd day donghyuck seemed like he was doing good, almost too good , Mark was glad but he never stopped worrying, the way donghyuck was acting  worried him , after 2 days of staying in Mark's house donghyuck went out one morning alone, Mark let him he thought he wanted to go for a walk or maybe he wanted to spend sometime alone .
Donghyuck was absent for like 2 hours and when he came Back he was holding big shopping bags, Mark was so suprised , he expected shopping the least.

"what's that?" he approached donghyuck.

"some things i got for you and new clothes for me " he said and went to the coach to sit leaving Mark standing there sonfused.
"oh look!" he said while searching inside the bag and when he finally found what he was looking for he went to Mark "when i saw it i  thought of you, you know classic things suits you so well? , i know it's nothing but i wanted to buy you something" he handed Mark the small box and told him to open it.

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