Chapter 7

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The late autumn sun cast a warm glow across the Mystic Grill, illuminating the hodgepodge group of teens huddling in the corner booth. Elena Gilbert, the embodiment of summertime elegance in her dainty floral sundress, sips on a glass of iced tea, a smile painted on her lips as the rest of the group laughs at something Stefan said.

Meanwhile, I sat in a corner, four tables away, watching as they enjoyed their time together, wallowing in my misery. I had my hood up and my head ducked, my hair tucked in with the hopes they wouldn't recognize me.

"So, harvest festival is next weekend," Bonnie announces, a hint of uncertainty lacing her voice as she tucks a stray curl behind her ear.

The group falls eerily silent, the only sound to be heard coming from the others sitting in the restaurant at the time. Matt was the first to break the silence.

"About time," he exclaims, his voice excited as he stabs a cherry from his plate. "The corn maze last year was epic, from what I remember. Didn't Tyler get lost for, like, a few hours or something?"

Elena chuckles at the memory of their friend, the nostalgia bringing a renewed warmth to her eyes.

"Poor Tyler. I don't think he's ever going to live that down, will be?" She asks, trying not to laugh.

Stefan, the typical voice of reason, interjects in his defense.

"Well, let's just hope this year's maze isn't quite as extensive as it was last year... I'd hate for someone to get lost, especially given some people's tendecy to attract trouble," he says, staring pointedly at Damon, who feigns offense.

"Oh please Stefan, after the way he treated Caroline, mock away Matt," Elena says dismissively.

"Hey, the way I see it, getting lost in a corn maze isn't so bad. Especially if I took a beautiful woman with me," Damon admits shamelessly.

"Oh yeah, and who exactly is your latest victim, Damon?" Elena fires back, causing Damon to crack a smile.

The banter flowed easily, following a familiar rhythm that was comfortable for them. After everything they've been through together, they were practically inseparable. Well, except me, of course.

"Hey, uh, who all is going to the bonfire Saturday night?" Jeremy pipes up, a slight hesitation in his voice.

Everyone was a little on edge still after Vicki. Especially when it came to parties in the woods.

"Wouldn't miss it bro," Matt says, clapping Jeremy on the shoulder. "The bonfire is where the real fun begins. Ghost stories, making s'mores..."

" And hot cocoa," Bonnie adds with a wink, causing a small chuckle from everyone.

Jeremy grins.

"Hot cocoa sounds amazing."

The conversation continues, flowing into stories of past harvest festivals. Of the costumes we wore as kids. The turn Stefan accidentally lit a scarecrow on fire. The year Matt fell and broke his pinky finger. Finally, a story about last year, where I tried to outdo everyone at the pumpkin carving. They all laughed about that.

"Speaking of Caroline," Bonnie interjects, "has anyone talked to her lately? I figured she'd be here, but..."

"No," Stefan and Elena say in unison.

"Nope," Damon chimes in.

"No unless you count a passing stare in the hallway," Matt adds.

Bonnie sighs audibly.

"You guys, I'm worried about her. We all know things have been weird with her since Klaus came into the picture," Bonnie says gently, her concern evident in her facial expressions.

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