Chapter Four: Infultrating The Land Of Waves

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Team one was tree hopping until shisui stopped everyone stopping on the same tree for Shisui to unseal wrapped black robes and tossed everyone one. "Wear these especially you Naruto and take these" Shisui says tossing him a change of clothes. "What's all this" Naruto asks "you wanna be a ninja you'll wear that on missions if anyone sees us wear dead, so you'll do as I say unless your ready to fight a blockade without some sabotage" Shisui says and Naruto nods.

Naruto went away and changed returning in black cargos, a black  with the Uzumaki crest on front and the arms with the namikaze crest in the back with the konoha headband, with black cloth holding the leaf symbol.

Naruto smirked at his sensei having a black cloak over it all "so what you think sensei" Naruto asked as the rest of their team put cloaks on "okay good, so once we arrive at the abandoned bridge you'll see it, we'll talk about strategy" Shisui sa...

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Naruto smirked at his sensei having a black cloak over it all "so what you think sensei" Naruto asked as the rest of their team put cloaks on "okay good, so once we arrive at the abandoned bridge you'll see it, we'll talk about strategy" Shisui says as he begins to tree hop once more.

The other follow deep into the night it reaches around one am when they arrive to their destination. Shisui looked to Naruto, Mira and kiyomi, Naruto and Kiyomi were being well a young couple to be as shisui liked to think. Naruto was still apologising about training although she tells him not to hold back. Shisui snickered to himself. Mira was just trying to act like she didn't exist she noticed her teammates liked each other but she just couldn't be assed Shisui felt her for that.

"Okay come" Shisui says looking at the wave "okay we need a duo to enter the wave and another duo to stay here as to not drive too much attention towards us" Shisui says "I'll go, who's my duo" Naruto asks "I will you need a more experienced hand to extract information" Shisui says and turns to Mira and kiyomi "you two set up a camp not far from here, collect fire wood and try hunt something I'm starving" Shisui says as he walks of towards the land of waves walking on the water like a simple path way. He was shortly after followed by Naruto who said his good byes to Kiyomi and Mira was fake barthing the entire time.

Shisui and Naruto approached the small town that was called the land of waves. Naruto walked down the streets noticing they were more clean but had guards. Bandits Naruto noticed "you see that" Naruto mutters "yeah, I noticed the weapons they have aren't even bad quality, I could say even in better shape than most of my own tools" Shisui says and reaches a bar "come on" Shisui says going into the bar.

Naruto walks into the bar...

Naruto looked at the bar it wasn't that bad a small bar, it actually looked really nice he wondered who owned the bar "welcome to my family bar, please sit" a big man said while whipping his hands with a cloth

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Naruto looked at the bar it wasn't that bad a small bar, it actually looked really nice he wondered who owned the bar "welcome to my family bar, please sit" a big man said while whipping his hands with a cloth.

"So, what can I get you gentlemen" the man asks "Is this place yours" Naruto asks "yeah all mine and don't worry about those thugs outside, they only bug you, if you bug gatō or get in his business" the bar man said whipping down the side

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"So, what can I get you gentlemen" the man asks "Is this place yours" Naruto asks "yeah all mine and don't worry about those thugs outside, they only bug you, if you bug gatō or get in his business" the bar man said whipping down the side. "So gatō has quite the influence here I didn't know it was that bad" Shisui says "yeah well times have been better you know but stick together strong and no rough times will break you" the bar man said "good advice" Shisui says "thanks well it's my wife who should be saying thanks, that's what got my through it, so what are you gentlemen's names" the bar man asks "I'm Shisui this is Naruto we're from konohagakura" Shisui says and the man nods "my name is Larry, I know pretty basic but that's me and I wouldn't change it for the world" the bar man says "fair enough Larry, so can you get me some whisky and the kid a juice" Shisui says as Larry grabs the drinks and passes them to his customers and Shisui passes him the yen.

Naruto looked around "so konoha ninja, I never knew they'd come back before fucking us over last time they killed that bridge builder and wripped the voice box out of his daughters throat and made his grandson eat it, it was public, I feel bad for the kid" Larry says "what's his name" Naruto asks "his name is Inari, he didn't ask for this he's just a kid, he hasn't spoke since that day he still lives at home the village pays for his living but that doesn't fix or help anything" Larry says and sighs "I'm going on aren't I anyways I'd stay away from him, he's not too fond of konoha ninja after team seven was here, they left and his world crumbled" Larry says and chuckles and starts to wash the dishes.

Shisui and Naruto shared eye contact "so any ideas" Naruto asks, "maybe two, you go find this Inari kid, take off your headband, just try be his friend and we might get some information on gatō, meet here at sun down" Shisui says and body flickers away.

Naruto starred at the after image for a second "what a cunt" Naruto muttered "your friend left without his drink" Larry says "you have it" Naruto says taking off his headband and putting it in his pouch.

Naruto then exits the bar releasing a heavy sigh "so where the hell does this Inari kid live, bridge builder" Naruto muttered the last part. He then walked towards a group of civilians tapping one's shoulder "hello little boy are you lost" the lady says kneeling to Naruto's level who hated every moment of this. "No, sorry I'm trying to find my friend Inari I don't know where his house is, his mother is mute I believe" Naruto says acting like a clueless inoccent child.

"Oh Inari-kun why it's just that house up on the hill, I'm very glad little Inari has found a friend I'll see you later little boy" the lady says and ruffles his hair. Naruto shoots a glare at her that could make your skin roll back the second no one was looking and made his way to inari's house.

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