Orderless Harmony

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I wrote this a year ago. I'll finish thus chapter but I might make a new story... This one is a relic of its time.

[Firefly POV]

She woke up feeling as awful as ever. Her head still ached as she sat up. "He must of used some harmony thing to mess with my mind..." She would be proven right as Sam was standing before her.

"Tell me? Why do we go after someone who's memory has been reset? The script states its a vital part of the plan yet you keep trying to save him."  Firefly ignored him

"So your ignoring me... That's not exactly the best way to treat the thing that keeps you alive..." Firefly knew she was affected by something Sunday did but still responded.

"So what if its pointless? If I don't try then... He truly will be gone..." Sam simply said "So that's how you feel... Once you make that choice again, make sure to remember what happened last time." And he vanished

Firefly felt a little better as she continued on. Suddenly she felt a strange presence behind her. She turned around and gasped.

[Robin POV]
"I'm sorry Mr Gallagher but your offer as nice as it sounds is to far fetched! My brother wouldn't stray from the harmonies light!" Gallagher laughed "Sure believe what you wish but maybe confirm the facts for yourself, after all the truth can be stranger than our wildest dreams."

Robin walked away trying to find a way out "It's good that death isn't real but I'm still confused on the gambler and what he said. I should report to my brother about death soon though..."

"Hey... Your Robin right?" She heard a voice call out. She turned to see a young man in black with grey hair. "I've been looking into your death. My names Caelus or Galactic Baseballer!" He said while waving his bat around. Robin chuckled

"Well Mr Baseballer, I appreciate your effort but a esteemed guest shouldn't be here... Let's go back to the golden hour! Its a lot nicer there!"

Caelus Frowned "This place seems interesting... You seem like your hiding something..."

Robin smiled lightly "Oh?" Robin chuckled to herself "Tell me Mr Baseballer was it obvious or are you smarter than you look."

Caelus chuckled. "Well I had my suspicion's but I didn't think you would give up your act that quickly."

Robin suddenly became someone else. The masked fool who had sent him to a child's dream.

[Caelus POV]

He watched as the cosmic super star changed into the same masked fool from earlier. "Heya grey hair! We were having so much fun together right? Unfortunately for you, The bird girl seems to be missing still! She isn't dead but..."

He tried to follow her but he felt his limbs go numb He fell to the ground. "Hey wait! Why are you doing this?!"  The masked fool chuckled

"You're funny grey hair! There isn't a reason! However I will tell you this... If you want to save the girl and the bird I suggest heading to the one who is in charge."

With that she vanished. Caelus picked himself up. He was a bit wobbly but other than that he was normal. He noticed Firefly in the corner of his eye. He turned and smiled at her

[Firefly POV]

"You're still here? Watching a girl while she sleeps is rude you know, not to mention creepy!" She says as she struggles

She is tied up in a chair. Sunday is sitting across from her, at the head of the table. "Don't worry, I'm sure there would be no misunderstandings. Now why are your kind in my perfect dream? I've spent so long perfecting everything, and you and that follower of nihility show up and almost ruin the Order!"

Firefly notices his wording. "Order? That's strange I thought Penacony was all about the Harmony?" Sunday chuckles

"You are smarter than you appear. Not that it matter since you won't be leaving here. Yes I am a follower of the path of order."

Firefly sighs. "Let me guess. Your trying to bring back the path of order and become an aeon. It was in the script. Unluckily for you I know what happens next."

Sunday chuckles "Really? Do forgive me when I say this but my order will surpass your script." Firefly chuckles to herself as well

"I'd like to see you try! Not even elio could change it! It says the Caelus will save me! Then we will live our perfect life together!" She pauses

"Wait... The script said that our paths were separate till his end. Surely he won't die after this... Wait... This must be fake!"

Firefly wakes up.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2024 ⏰

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