Case File 9

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Case File Name:
Two Birds, One Stone.

Chapter Nine

What was originally a long day quickly faded into a long night.

But only of work.

Especially with a case that I desperately needed to catch myself up on.

Everyone was long gone from the office, leaving me to focus on my bright computer screen that glowed against the papers scattered across my desk.

The sun had set hours ago and the digital clock had just struck ten.

I let out a sigh, stressfully running my fingers through my hair as I leaned back in my chair, feeling my eyes burn from the computer screen that I had stared at for four hours straight.

I felt somewhat caught up on everything, but there were still so many details I had yet to read over or memorize.

I'm finally partner just as I wanted—but I definitely didn't take into account the weight that it would all come with.

"Working late?"

My eyes immediately glanced up from my computer, noticing Tazmin standing at the door frame to my office.

And I would be lying if I said her abrupt presence didn't scare every bone in my body, but I only relaxed back into my chair.

"New case," I mumbled, shaking my head to myself, "Don't you have better things to do? Maybe people to kill or jobs to assign?"

Tazmin hummed as she leaned against the door frame, "Congratulations," she murmured, her dark eyes not faltering away from mine once.

I blinked a few times, realizing she somehow knew that I made partner, "Thanks," I said blankly, knowing that the next couple of weeks would be filled with a lot of congratulations, "Don't tell me you were behind it?" I said, smart enough to know that Tazmin clearly had the power to pull such strings.

Tazmin lazily raised her brows, "This one wasn't me," she determined, tilting her head when I gave her a skeptical look, "Helping you climb the corporate ladder is the last of my interests."

I let out an unamused hum, "Why are you here Tazmin?" I said, hoping she would leave so I could get back to my work.

The woman hummed, "I have a gift for you," she said, which seemed to make an irritating warmth bloom in my stomach.

But I quickly fought it away.

"I'm good," I determined, my tone dry and unamused as I glanced back to my computer screen.

"Unfortunately this is non-returnable," Tazmin determined, leaning away from the door frame as she said, "Let's go."

I continued to focus on my computer screen that I couldn't bother to actually read with her distracting presence.

"Just drop it off at my apartment or something. You have my address," I mumbled, now picking my pen back up so she understood that I wasn't leaving this office with her.

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