Men, Dwarves, Elves

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These are the main "humanoid" races in Ecalon.

Men: Stock standard human, varying colours, heights, features etc. They are the most prosperous of the humanoids but also the weakest, and easiest to kill. On average they are between 5-7 units tall.

Humans have varying cultures and religions, and they tend to adapt fairly well within any given environment.

Dwarves: Dwarves look similar to humanoids but are shorter, around 3-5 units tall on average but some may be taller or shorter due to various circumstances. They are very hairy and tend to grow their beards as long as possible. To be clean shaven as a dwarf is considered a dire insult to their culture/religion, and often results in very harsh punishment including excommunication, imprisonment or death. Dwarves hail from 12 main clans; Longbeard, Thunderhammer, Browspark, Stormheart, Craghaven, Alderfist, Stoneborn, Ironhewer, Seacrest, Dirgebane, Blackbrews, and the 12th clan, who are very secretive and kill any outsiders that learn of them, if they are able to.

Most dwarves have a deep rooted hatred for mankind as they have a very long memory and still grieve for those that were slaughtered by the armies of Adan in the first age, over 20,000 years ago.

Elves: Elves are very rare due to the fact that they have little interest in each-other, instead preferring to reproduce with other humanoid species. This leads to Half-breeds, or Halflings, as they are commonly known. Depending on the type of the elf, and the race of the other parent, the offspring may have varying attributes or abilities.

- Elves are divided into 4 main types. Wood Elves, Deep Elves, High Elves and Otherlings. Elves tend to take on characteristics depending on where they live. Wood Elves tend to be more animalistic and have a more "natural" appearance, whereas Deep Elves resemble goblins with greyish, slightly scaled skin, and large black eyes. High Elves consider themselves to be the superior elf type, hence the name. They look the most human, apart from pointed ears, and being much taller on average. 7-10 units tall. Otherlings are those that do not fall into these categories.

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