Chapter 11

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The sisters continue to chant in pain as they grunt as a possessed Sharon growls as she twitches as she crawls towards Randy as she cracks her neck.

"Michelle baby you and Alex need to wake up"he says worried as Sharon rushed as she was next to Randy's ear.

"You had to be a goddamn colombo, didn't you!"Sharon says a she looks down at the planchette were the three each had four fingers on it as she grins "fucking amateur "she says before disappearing and reappears on his other side" i could kill you right now"she says as she grabs his neck." Or I could screw you in front of your girl and her sister"she says laughing demonically as Michelle and Alex continue to chant in pain.

"Michelle baby guys wake up"he says scared as he begs them to wake up as Sharon laughs darkly as he closes his eyes before opening them.

"You won't let go of the game will you must be a good guy after all "Sharon asked before spitting on his hand as it burns making him yell in pain as he takes one hand off as he rubs the other one"but you broke your promise asshole!"Sharon growls before the chanting stop as Alex and Michelles eyes snap open breathing heavily.

"I love you much"he says with tears before he was yanked and dragged off.

"Randy!"Michelle cry's as Alex runs as she trys to grabs Randy's hand but it was to late he was dragged out the door.

"Shit!"Alex says running a stressed hand through her hair as she runs back to Michelle as she hold sher sister before it flashes back to them when there were kids as they looked at there grandmother breathing heavily before she moves there hand sober to a book that showed a pentagram as she smiles at them gently before it fades back to the present.

"We need to make a protection circle it'll protect us"Alex says before looking around as she sees a bag plaster as they share looks before they work together on making a five star pentagram out of the plaster powder as they and the board was in the middle of the protection circle with symbols as growling was heard before Sharon rushed into the door frame standing as she growls breathing heavily as she slowly walks to them growling and hissing before jack and Dana appeared as they join hands throwing thee heads back screeching before they try to step forward as Alex holds Michelle protectively before there eyes rolled into the back of there heads as they fall side by side in the protection circle blacking out as jack, Dana and Sharon growls and hisses trying to get to them but they couldn't as they twitch walking back before disappearing.

Soon it was morning as the birds were heard as Alex groans awake as she looks around seeing Dana, jack and Sharon gone as it was morning before she shakes her sister awake but she was still out of it as a man stands in front of them in clothes holding a staff.

"Who are you"Alex asked.

"Someone who can help"the man says as everything fades to black before Michelle was shown layed in a bed as Alex sets next to her worried before seeing her sister slowly start to wake up as she sits up with a gasp.

"Hey hey its ok the guy who lives here helped us this morning I woke up before you"Alex explained calming her sister down as Instagrams and protection symbols and circles were shown made out of wood all over the place with all kinds of craft stuff with a skull that had a symbol on it was shown as it was dark outside as crickets were heard chirping as old news paper articles were shown pinned on a wall as they look all around before walking out side as a bonfire was burning.

"I see she's awake good"the man says.

"My sister said you helped us who are you"Michelle asked.

"Your here to recover you both have been through a lot I'm just here to take care of you both "the man explained before a wolf was heard howling.

"It's pretty dangerous out there in the woods"he says.

"Yeah no kidding "Alex says as they head back inside as he sits something down on the table as it was a pot of beans.

"A lot safer here why don't you two sit down it's not going to eat it's self"he says as they sit down opposite of him as he turns the fire up just a little bit in the lamp giving them some more light.

"Why don't y'all tell me exactly what happened back in the house "he asked as the two sisters share looks before explaining to him what happened as the outside of the camper was shown as everything slow faded black.

It was the next day as the sun rose as birds were heard chirping as Alex opens the camper door as they step outside looking around as Michelle looks at a homemade pentagram and a protection circle made out of twigs and sticks held together as they look all around seeing more some even having dead black birds before soon they were shown walking along a path as they see more different ones hanging from tree branches before they look down seeing a protection line made of white rocks.

"Demons they can't be taken lightly they're like mistakes if you don't deal with them the right way they'll haunt you for the rest of your life "the men from before said as they turn around and see him.

"Demons are what possessed are friends that actually explains a lot"Alex says before noticing a claw like scar on the side of his neck.

"Yeah but Randy is still out there o know he is he needs our help"Michelle says worried for Randy.

"And if he's still alive and you both could help him but not this way"the man says making them share determined looks.

"What can we do to save my sister's boyfriend Alex asked crossing her arms.

"You can tell me what this both means to you "he says before making a symbol into the ground as they recognized it. 

"Our grandmother taught us something like that when we were little girls she said we had a gift "Michelle explained.

The man sighs "she was a mystic a powerful witch "he explained.

"Sounds like you knew our grandmother better then we did"Alex says with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes I knew her now come with me"he says as Alex noticed him touch the scar before they follow him back to his camp site.

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