The Outsider

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The sound of footsteps was scattered. The laughter of children was loud, echoing through the sky.

It was a nice day outside. The sun was beaming down as white clouds floated in the blue sky.

A breeze swept by, going down to the village below. It blew the trees' branches and leaves and swept back everyone's hair away before it circled up the legs of a young female. It blew up, blowing her brown, shoulder-length hair behind her before returning to it's brethren.

She gave a soft smile into the valley before her. She spun on her feet before walking towards the little ones on the other side of the beach.

As she was walking over, a few of the kids saw her and ran up to her. "Kana, can you play with us?" One of the girls asked. "Please?" A boy begged. 

The older girl smiled. "Why do you need me to play with you?" She asked.

"It's so boring without you." Another girl walked up to her and hugged her leg before looking up at her. "Besides, the boys are no fun." She pouted.

"Hey!" The boys yelled as the girls giggled. "At least we don't complain almost every time we're tagged." A different boy backfired.

Kana chuckled at their banter. "Alright, I'll play with you." She gave in. "Just let me check in on Chrome."

The younger kids beamed at her with toothy grins. They all ran up to give her legs a quick squeeze before running off, laughing and giggling.

She shook her heads at them with a small smile while walking off. She looked around before she spotted her brother away from the water.

She smirked as she sneaked behind him. Once she was behind him, she snuck up on him and jumped onto his back.

He let out a yelp as he jumped. He turned his head to his sister on his back, who was smirking at him. "Gotcha."

"Kana, what the hell?!" He yelled. "Why'd you do that?!" 

"Because it's funny and you're my brother, duh." She stated, as if it were obvious. They both rolled their eyes at each other as Kana jumped off.

"So, why are you back here?" She asked. 

Chrome looked over at her. "Well-" He started before they heard a yell.

They looked over quickly to see one of the girls pointing towards the village as the other kids had looks of both awe and fear.

The siblings looked over to where the girl was pointing to see bubbles floating by the village entrance. Sorcery.

Their eyes widened. The only people who did sorcery in the village were them.

They looked back at each other. "I'll stay with the kids, you go over there and find out what's going on." She ordered.

Chrome gave her a determined look before grabbing his cape and running off.

Kana watched as her brother turned the corner then turning around to comfort and assure the children that her brother and the village guards, Kinro and Ginro, can handle this.

---------------------Small Time Skip---------------------

Kana's (1st) POV

It's been a little while since my brother ran off to see what was going on, so after I dealt with the children and brought them back to the village, I started walking to mine and Chrome's shed.

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