Chapter 14

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For some reason I was the only one pronouncing it as CY-tron. And everyone else pronounced it as Sih-tron.
He was pretty fast on the battlefield, he would use his shield to block oncoming missiles, then he'd Dodge other attacks by rolling into a ball and attacking from behind.
The zmech was really slow but it took so long to defeat.
"If we jump in and help them it'll be quicker," Pea snapped.
"No," Rose snapped. "We don't know how it fights. But Citron does."
We his behind old cars and started shooting at the zmech from behind. Then we would get up and run to another area when the missiles started coming in our direction.
I felt like it might've called in more reinforcements because more zombies were coming towards us.
We all started shooting at the rest if the zombies and protected Citron while he protected us from the zmech.
I even used my heal beam. I stood in the back and shot and healed.
A few shots in and then Citron finally defeated the zmech, but then the imp flew out and threw something at us.
A gravity grenade, where we were all lifted into the air, and then shot at.
"Crap!" Citron jumped in the way and shielded us from the attacks with his shield but some of us that weren't shielded from behind took some hits.
After a few seconds we fell onto the ground.
"Time to go!" KC said, and he started running and gunning back to the alley with us behind him.
I kept healing everyone, and Citron was in the back using his force field.
"Does your force field ever go on coo down?" I ask.
"No," Citron winks. "Because I'm so awesome."
We make it into the alley, and then Citron knocks over so trash cans and pushes things in the way to Bock the zombies.
Then we all climb into Penny, and Rose starts up the van.
We hover in the air for a moment, and then we zoom through the air.
"So," Citron winks again. I guess that was his thing.
"So what?" Rose shook her head. "We were supposed to meet you in the future, why did you come back in time to this time period?"
"Well I didn't know what to do..." Citron said.
"Didn't Dave give you instructions?" KC asked.
"He did," Citron said. "As we went through the days, but he died. So I don't know what to do now, so I came back."
Crazy Dave is dead...
Everyone on board was silent yet again, just like when Alien Flower died.
"The zmech killed him," Citron said staring off into space. "So I followed it back here to get rid of him after what he did."
"Well we can go and save him," Rose offered.
"But we can't go back and save the others," I snap.
Everyone looks at me.
"We'll save them too,"

AN: Hey guys, hope you are enjoying the story so far. And Happy Fourth of July XD I also cannot wait for more information on the plants.. I'm dying.
Plus I wanna know their abilities so I can add it in the story. I also think PvZ GW should have a female Zombie character, like a zombie model and she shoots shopping bags or shoes or something crazy. Just so the zombies have a female character because the plants are ahead.
Sunflower Cactus and now Rose XD

PvZ Garden WarfareNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ