Chapter 35 : Second of his name : Arrival

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Alicent Hightower (109 A.C. Ninth Moon)


The smells, around the luncheon were wonderous, and especially the smell of bacon, it had been one of her cravings when she had gotten with child. The smell of roasted pork made her stomach growl, and she would mind a bite. Yet the smell was a mere distraction to the men and woman who hung around her, the King, and her son.

"He has his mother's hair, Your Grace, yet some silver streaks, like his royal father." Lord Tyco Ryene spoke, his voice low, full of admiration for her son. Yet there were words she didn't enjoy, as they sounded insincere. "Well, my queen has wonderful hair. I like the combination of us both in the boy." Viserys's words were nice, but his words never warmed her. She smiled nonetheless, a face for the public.

"He has his grandmother's eyes, your grace." Jasper Wylde said the Lord of Rain House. The man was of broad build, with black hair and a bushy beard. As far she knew of the same age as your Tyland was, both in their twenties. Yet the man already had four children. His first wife died in a child bed a year prior. From what her father had told, the man had arrived at Kingslanding to seek out a new bride and mingle with the court. The man was stiff a bidder of the law and a fact that her father was more than willing to exploit.

"Yes, he does. It will be a wonderful reminder of my mother." She smiled at Viserys's words, even though they were untrue. They were grey, and the other purple Aegon had the eyes of Aemon and Baelon.

She glanced at her father, who was conversing with her uncle, and something her father said made him frown. She suspects that it was because of the succession. Yet she knew Viserys would never change. Rhaenyra nor Aemon would ever forgive him if he did. If not, then it would because of the worth it would provoke in Velaryons. If one's again, their chance for their blood on the throne would be denied.

She looked back to Aegon as Viserys spoke again and poked his nose. "You also have my nose, don't." The group gathered and giggled at his words. Some might be true, but that was life at court, falsities everywhere.

Tyland Lannister then walked up to the King. "Your Grace, I have come with a request. It's of some of the gathered lords and those of the realm regarding Stepstones. With the fall of the Crabfeeder, Your Grace, can't we recall the men? Prince Aemon and Lord Corlys, in their expedition, succeeded. Surely, the men can leave their post and return to their respective houses." Viserys smiled at the man, but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Not today, Tyland. My brother has done an excellent job for the crown. Some of these men, according to the reports of my brother and Lord Lyonel, wish to stay employed in those lands. Under the command of the Prince. Also, it has been two and a half years, so it can wait another three days." Viserys said, walking toward the table with food.

"Come eat, fortify yourself for the journey," Viserys said as he walked toward the arranged luncheon. She agreed, and she needed some food before the journey began. "Is everything ready, the baggage train?" Viserys questioned lord Lyonel. "It is presently massing at the River Gate. Lord Jason, expect us to be in the Kingswood before midday." Lyonel answered, and Viserys nodded. "Have you seen Rhaenyra?" Rhaenyra hadn't been around much since her return, being absent and flying back and up from Kingslanding to High Tide to be with Laena.

'Laena was carrying Aemon's child, not his first, but still, the one he could love like a true son, not like he had to do with Aegon. He could only care for Aegon as an uncle, caring for a nephew.' She felt a pang of jealousy at the thought. 'Of Aemon hold his openly and love his child, and his wives. Oh, how nice it would be to have something like that. The dreamy fantasy of the songs the bards sing about.'


"Your Grace, with the fall of the corsairs, many lords questioned the next action to be taken. Especially taking into mind the conquest of Little Tyrosh. Shouldn't your grace not intervene and call for a truce with Triarchy." Tyland urged. She heard from her father that he and Tyland had tried to reign in Aemon, as he exerted a large amount of autonomy.

"The Triarchy, by all accounts, has pulled out of the conflict and is blaming each other for the failure of the conflict." His voice had an edge to it, one she had heard on the occasion when Viserys got irritated.

"The houses wish for clarification, your grace." "Where is Rhaenyra?" Viserys questioned Ser Clement Crabb, Rhaenyra's sworn shield. "I don't know at present, Your Grace." And Viserys groaned slightly at his answer.

"The realm expects peace and their men to come home, Your Grace," Tyland spoke again, and he was getting close to the King losing his patience with him. "Tyland," Viserys said, with more force this time.

"Aemon has held the command of the region for almost three years now. If the King would now send out his own words, the crown would be preserved as weak and divided." Her father had spoken up. It surprised her. Usually, her father would jump on the chance. To undermine Aemon's position, yet that wasn't in the best interest of the realm and its strength. It seemed even her father understood when not to undermine Aemon.

"I suspect he will inform us what he has planned when the Prince returns. As I said before, the laws of the kingdom in the conquered territories are being upheld." Lyonel had spoken up again, being the only one on the council who journeyed to the Stepstones and had seen Aemon's work firsthand.

"Good, now that's enough. I will hear no more Tyland. Now, can someone tell where Rhaenyra is?" "Husband, I have an idea where the Princess is. I shall bring her and have her join us. We will be there when the carriage departs. Can some food be prepared for us in the carriage?" She said with a smile. "Thank you, my dear. I shall have food ready." Viserys smiled and kissed her on the cheek, and she left to find Rhaenyra.



"She fled with her ships and her people. Her heart is broken for those.." Samwell stopped singing when she arrived. "Your Grace," Samwell bowed and looked back to Rhaenyra. "Did I say to stop? It keeps my mind from worrying. Sorry for my consent request. If you can go on," Rhaenyra asked, her voice weary. Samwell obeyed Rhaenyra and started to play the song again.

"Rhaenyra?" And that got a reaction, "Ah, Alicent, why have you come? I thought you be at luncheon for the royal hunt and ride." She said as she turned toward her.

"Well, about that, we are both expected to join them in the outer courtyard. The servants will have prepared something for us to eat in the carriage. As they are ready to depart for the royal hunt." She answered with a smile, and Rhaenyra sighed. "Very well, it seems my peace will be broken by the dying of animals if I haven't had enough of that in my head from the Vale. Samwell, thank you for your song. I expect you to play some in the Kingswood during this hunt."

"Princess, Your Grace," Samwell said, leaving them in the Godswood. "I'm sorry, Rhaenyra, but as part of the royal family, we have our duties." "Yes, my brother's second name day hunt, how grand. I suspect your father was involved in the idea. It would have been better if the King had waited for Aemon's return and organized something for him. Aegon will not even remember this." Rhaenyra said as she took her arm. "Perhaps you're right, but we both know the King. Your father doesn't let' chances slip to celebrate something." She said with a smile. "Yes, well, men fight in wars and consolidate the territory of his kingdom."

"Yet, it brings happiness and unity." She countered and sighed as Rhaenyra just shook her head. "Well, I will be happy when I know Aemon is home and you and Laena have given birth successfully." She smiled at her friend's words. "Thank you. Now let's go; your father is already worth enough." She said, and they both chuckled.

Legacy of the White Dragon: A Dance of DragonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora