Chapter 20

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Almost three weeks later, the continent saw rapid changes and movements in a very short span of time. The massive war against Vokaltia was nearing its climax. Floating in the sky, overseeing an immense army of 80,000 undead ghouls, Vokaltia stood before the massive retaliatory army of Valur. Above, over a hundred aerial knights, including eight wyverns, flew in formation with their fangs aimed at his neck as their primary objective. Below them, over 130,000 men stretched across a 40-kilometer front in light entrenchments and fortifications. Over 1,600 guns and artillery pieces were aimed at the undead army, preparing for a large-scale offensive of a size not seen in the empire since the war against Kashim. It was, without a doubt, a truly historical moment.

Vokaltia's presence was a dark stain on the sky, a figure of horror that cast a shadow over the battlefield.

His undead army, a sea of decaying flesh and bone, moved with unnatural coordination. The Valur imperial forces, though vast and well-prepared, faced a tidal wave of rotten flesh—a formidable and horrifying assault.

The aerial knights, the pride of Valur's airborne forces, circled above, waiting for the signal to dive into the fray. Their riders, elite warriors trained to combat magical and hostile threats, were tense but ready. The ground forces, a mix of seasoned veterans and fresh recruits, held their positions in the trenches. The artillery crews, hands steady on their guns, awaited the command to unleash their deadly barrage of cannonballs.

As noon reached its peak, the signal was given. A blaring horn echoed across the battlefield — and the first volley of artillery fire erupted. An uninterrupted rake of fire and smoke exploded out of their muzzleloading cannons, shaking the ground and sending countless screeching cannonballs into the air. The sky lit up with magical and explosive fire, a chaotic prelude to the impending clash.

The first wave of attack sent dozens of undead shredding to pieces. Large and long gouges appeared in their ranks, with pulverized flesh and gore staining the battlefield as the cannonballs bounced and wrought devastation on the undead.

The aerial knights descended in a coordinated assault, their weapons gleaming. The wyverns roared, their powerful wings beating against the air as they dove toward Vokaltia, aiming to bring down the demon who had wrought so much destruction. A fireball soon appeared, hurtling towards Vokaltia, who dodged it with a swift, supernatural movement. Below, the infantry surged forward, bayonets fixed and spears at the ready, advancing under the cover of the artillery bombardment.

Vokaltia, undeterred, raised his hands, summoning dark energies that crackled with malice. He unleashed waves of dark lightning magic, striking down swathes of soldiers and aerial knights alike. The ground forces were hit hard, the dark lightning striking mercilessly and creating a storm of chaos and death.

Despite the onslaught, the Valur imperial forces pressed on. Their determination was fierce, their resolve unshaken by the overwhelming power of Vokaltia. The artillery continued to roar, sending hundreds of undead into puddles of flesh and gore in every salvos. The aerial knights launched relentless attacks, fighting the overwhelming odds represented by Vokaltia. The infantry, with unwavering courage, soon clashed with the undead.

Cries of war echoed across the battlefield. The sound of crunching, crushing, and the screams of the dying filled the air. The clamor of gunfire and the clash of metal reverberated through the chaos as the two waves of the living and the dead collided violently.

The front lines became a brutal melee, soldiers and undead locked in deadly combat. Bayonets pierced rotten flesh, and swords cleaved through bone. The undead, animated by dark magic, fought with relentless ferocity as they ripped through and bite through Valur's fodders one after another, but the Valurian soldiers, driven by a desperate will to survive and protect their homeland, met them blow for blow.

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