13 February, 2024

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Dearest Sable,

Your wedding sounds so romantic behind the scenes! And indeed so was the ceremony we all attended. I am so glad Cillian and I could make it, and that you have such a confidante in Coryo to tell him about 13. Your vows were very moving and I can't imagine any prepared piece being as heartwarming as your honest words to each other. You must tell me about your honeymoon in detail! I am so glad Cillian and my outfits pleased you, we had so much fun putting them together. I am also happy to hear that Flint didn't ruin anything. I tried to talk some sense into him, but I suspect he closed off his heart long ago and wouldn't listen to reason. Do whatever you can to save his life, but make sure he stays far from you and Coryo. You all are the picture perfect couple and I am so happy for you both! Good luck meeting his family! You will have no trouble impressing them, I'm sure of it.



The Letters of Sable and GilleniaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon