Dark Atlas

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Jasper Kane gets out of his truck and puts on this mech armor. He leaps into the air and heads to the GCPD, flying through the air at shocking speeds. When he made it to he Police Department, he levitated above the ground and shouted,

"I, Dark Atlas, am here to break out the Penguin and his gang! Commissioner Gordon, tell your pig bastards that you better let him go. You've got ten seconds! One... two.. Ten!" He laughed before saying, "God, I love this job. Time to make some bacon!"

Dark Atlas fires incendiary grenades at the officers below him and shoots a rocket at the brick wall of the GCPD, making an entrance for himself.


"I see fire and smoke over at the GCPD." Batman said, before turning to Robin, "Let's go, Tim."

The two head over there to the police department where they see Dark Atlas standing in front of Commissioner Gordon. He had his hand around his throat, lifting him off the ground. Robin takes out the members of Penguins' gang that had gotten free. Batman throws a batarang at Dark Atlas to get his attention as Batman yells,

"Enough with the light show, asshole! Get out here and face justice!"

Dark Atlas just laughs and charges at Batman, rocket punching him in the face.

"Who the fuck are you calling an asshole, you flying rat?"

Batman gets up quickly and punches him. Robin begins working on a trap for Dark Atlas while Batman kept him distracted. Batman keeps attacking him, throwing punch after punch at his head. The last punch knocked Dark Atlas over, making him trip over the wire that Robin had set up.

Batman hands over Dark Atlas to Commissioner Gordon, who unmasks him. It was Jasper Kane, the head of security at Penguin's club. As two police officers carried him off to a cell, Commissioner Gordon said,

"Thank you both for helping us out once again."

Batman nods and so does Robin as they leave.

The Commissioner looks at the trapped Jasper Kane and laughs at him. The officers put him in a holding cell to wait until the Arkham transport arrives.

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