Am I laughing too much
I will stop frowning
Do you want me to be There or Here
should i pick This or That
Should I walk or sit
Am I talking too much I can be quiet
Please don't leave meBut,who am I?
Who is under the Mask
A mask I wear like my real self
Am I this or that
Do I have a mind of my own
Or the mind of the people
Am I who people what me to bePlease,I can be who you want me to be
I am lost
Lost in the journey of looking for MeI am scared
Will they leave or stay
I am scared
Scared of being Alone
If the mask leave
Will they stay or leave
Will they accept or HateWhat do you want me to be This or That.
I can't differentiate me from the mask

Hear me out
PoetryThis novel consists of so many poems. This poem is a medium for me to express myself through my golden pen. please ,😭😭😭this is my first time writing here ,give my book a try. Thank you 💕