It's Wednesday, the day of the Battle of the Bands! Although, it doesn't seem that way. It's Jane's birthday in 2 days, Cole's is in a week.
I am at home right now, watching random videos. I found this weird video about Josh Hutcherson. He is talking about his fans and all that.
The person asking him the questions asks Josh, "So, we know that your fanbase is really big. Does it ever seem invasious?"
Josh replies with, "Yes. I was doing a movie close to where I was from and I was staying at a hotel. Well, I was walking out to my car, and there is a mom and her two 12, maybe 13 year old girls. I get over there and the mom starts crying." There is a second of laughter from the audience. I also laugh.
He continues, "And the mom says, 'You don't know what we've been through.'" There is another second of laughter. "And the kids are like, 'Mom, stop crying,' and-" Josh continues.
The guy that is interviewing him says, "So the kids are showing reason, and the mom is crying?"
"Yeah," He replys. "And then the mom says, 'I'm so happy this is over.' And I thought, this just got dark all of the sudden!" There is a burst of laughter from both the audience and me.
I turn off my phone and decide what to wear to the Battle of the Bands.
I pick out some jeans, a white tee with a purple guitar on it, along with purple slippers. I know. I have a very poor sense in fashion.
I keep my hair down, but I style it still. I have to say, I might not be very good at clothes, but when I'm doing hair, I'm good. ;)
I walk over to my mom. I put on the slightest bit of eyeliner on. She says, "You look amazing. Why did you put eyeliner on?"
"Because it's going to be both super dark and super light, right? I need people to see my face and not think I'm a pale, faceless person." I reply, thinking of my Choir teacher, Mrs. Fort.
We walk out to the car. We pick up my friends. Korrinne decides to come as well.
-----Time Lapse-----
We arrive at school and we see lights escaping from the cafeteria doors.
As we enter the cafeteria doors, we are shocked at what we see. We knew it was going to be fun, but not as fun as it is!
As far as I can see, there is a karaoke machine with up to 2 microphones. There is inflatable game called, 'Wrecking Ball'. Loud music is pumping out of large speakers, everybody is either dancing, talking, or eating some tasty snacks on the snack table.
I walk out onto the dance floor with my crew. I just stand the there, not knowing what to do, until someone taps my shoulder. I know that tap.
I turn around. "Hey," I tell Cole.
"Wanna dance?" He asks me.
I reply with a sure. Since I'm already on the Dance floor, I start busting some moves. After 2 minutes of full out dancing, I am so tired. I walk over to the Snack table. I grab a cup of punch, a cookie, and a brownie. I eat the cookie and take a sip of the delicious punch. I walk over to my group and I trip. A pair of arms catches me and pulls me up to my feet.
"Thank you," I tell the person, dusting myself off. I look up, and it was Cole!
"Your welcome," Cole says. We walk over to my friends and we start talking. although, we have to yell for other people to hear us, we still talk. Before long, it is 15 minutes until the Battle of the Bands is over and Cole starts staring at me from a distance.
"Amanda," Harper calls out to me.
"Yes?" I ask.
"Are you gonna just stand there? Go talk to Cole!" Claire adds.
I sigh and walk over to Cole. "What's up?" I ask Cole.
"Nothing much, I just..." He drifts off.
"You just, what?" I ask, confused.
He sighs and says, "Never mind. Can I talk to you in the hall for a second?"
"Sure," I follow him to the hall. He says, "How long have we known each other?"
"About 5 weeks. Why?" I ask him. Now I am really confused.

Amanda Flynn
Teen FictionAmanda Flynn is an above average 14 year old girl whose life is really chaotic. She loves to draw and sing. But, she has problems, like any person. Join Amanda as she faces the problems life throws at her. Hey, if life gives you lemons, make lemon...