- Bradley -The whole entire class time, I was feeling really anxious. My leg was jumping up and down as I just kept shooting glances over at Slouch, and I just couldn't pay attention to class.
How the hell does he know? Did someone else know about me and Max and told Slouch?
"Ok, students, don't forget that the project is due at the end of the month. I expect a good presentation from you all," the professor said, and the bell rang right on time.
I was about to get up but got pulled right back down to my seat, and I looked at Slouch.
"Now, where are you going?" He asked with a raised brow.
"To my next class, of course -"
"There's a bunch of time before class starts, so how about we just.. Chat," he said, placing his elbow on my shoulder.
We waited for everyone to leave, and I watched as Max gave me a worried look, but I smiled at him, to at least reassure him that I'm ok.
Thankfully, he left with his friend and left me and Slouch alone.
"How did you know?" I asked him, crossing my arms across my chest, looking back at him.
"It was pretty obvious you have a thing for Goof, Bradley. I'm not stupid as I look."
"You told anyone yet?"
"No. Unlike you, I won't go around and reveal a secret about someone to the whole school to know. I'm not like you," he stated.
"I know that you aren't.. Then what's the big deal? I'm sure that you have another motive to hold me back."
He stayed quiet for a bit before answering, "Tank knows. One of Goof's friends told him about you two."
"Do you really think that I care? I don't give a damn if Tank knows. Hell. He knows not to mess with me again," I said, frowning.
"I knew you would say that.. Well, Tank told me to tell you that.." he leaned close to my ear, and my eyes widened, "He's going to ruin everything that makes you happy.. And his first target is. . . your boyfriend," he said, patting my shoulder before getting up.
"If I were you, I'll probably confront Tank to end this madness of his. I'm sure that he'll accept your apology for dumping and suing him," he soon left the classroom and left me by myself.
"Fuck!" I shouted, kicking myself up and hitting my hand on the table.
I thought I dealt with him. He even signed the stupid papers to not cause any harm to me. But. . . That was before Max and I started something.
What do I do.. I have to tell Max. I don't want him to get involved in these situations, but he's already involved in this situation. All because of me.
I have to tell him after school. I just hope that I'm not too late to tell him.
I got up and hurried to my next class.
. . .
- Max -
"A date? I knew you had it in you!" Bobby punched my arm playfully, and I laughed.
"He wanted a proper way for us to make it official. So we both agreed to go on a date. . . But, I have a feeling that we should probably go to two or more dates before we make it official. Don't you think so?" I asked with a raised brow.
"Yeah, you should tell him that. To see if he agrees as well," he said.
"How's PJ..?"
He stayed quiet for a couple of seconds but answered, "He's.. Alright. He's staying at Mocha's place, so don't worry about him. But, he might need some time before he talks to you... I'm sure he regrets saying all that stuff to you," he placed a hand on my shoulder.
I nodded slightly, "I know.. He was drunk. I'm just. . . Did that really make him that angry for him to drink? About.. My relationship with Bradley?"
He shrugged, "I'm not sure, man. You can ask him once he reaches out for you. Let him come to you first."
"Ok.." I responded.
Since that day, PJ and I haven't been talking since. . . It's only been a day since the argument. I miss him. I can't imagine that I'm losing my childhood best friend.
I understand that his pissed at me. I would also be pissed at him if he ever dated our enemy. I'm sure that I'll understand his reason or I'll start an argument just like him.
All these problems are giving me a headache.
I turned around and I see Tank walking towards me. Tank? I thought that he was expelled or something - And why is he walking towards me?
"Uh- Bobby?" I glanced at Bobby, but he shrugged. He doesn't know either.
I looked back at Tank, and now he was right in front of me. It looks like he was upset. But at what? It can't possibly be me.. I've done nothing to make him angry.
"Tell me, are you and Bradley dating?" He asked me, looking down at me.
I shot him a very confused look. How the hell does he know?
"I don't know what you're talking about-"
"Oh, you know very well what I'm talking about. Your friend, PJ, told me everything about you two," he said with a wicked smirk.
Did PJ really out me like that? When?
I looked over at Bobby, and he was confused, too.
"So it is true.." I heard Tank said and before I knew he grabbed me from my shirt and pulled me off from the ground. I started panicking and tried to get off of his grip, but i couldn't. He was way too strong for me to even punch the guy.
"Tank put him down, man! What's with you?" I heard Bobby shout.
"You're sleeping with the enemy, huh? I thought you were better than this, Max. Did you forget what he did to us?" He growled.
"You were also part of his scheme, Tank! Don't act too innocent. You both are guilty for whatever you guys have done in the past."
He had his eyes fixed on me, and I could feel that he tightened his grip a bit more.
"Then why are you with him, huh? Do you even feel a hint of guilt of dating your enemy who almost killed you and everyone you loved?" He asked.
I frowned, "Matter of fact, I do care.. What's with you anyway? If you're just going to talk about Bradley, then go talk to him and say everything you want to tell him so you can leave me be," I stated, trying to find a way to get out of this situation.
"I don't think that's possible, Max. You see. . . My plan here is to destroy every single thing that makes him happy. He destroyed my life, so why not destroy his? I was just planning to reveal some dark secrets that no one else knew.. But, when PJ told me that you and Bradley are now dating. Well, I had to change the plans now!" He explained and pulled me closer to whisper in my ear.
"I'll destroy you and Bradley's life together.. Starting off with you. . ."
My eyes widened, and I slowly turned my head to face him, and he had an evil look on his face, and I could feel my heart beating rapidly.
"I'm sorry, Max. Seriously, I am.. I really liked you. I was hoping that it wasn't true, but oh well. . . Now I have to harm you. Tsk tsk.. I have to harm such a handsome face. I'm sure that's the only thing that he really likes about you.."
Before I could speak, I received a punch across my face, and he threw me on the ground afterward. I coughed onto the floor, and I looked at the floor, and it was blood.
"Max!" I heard. I'm sure it was Bobby.
I felt a hand on my back, and all that I could hear was a ring in my ear, and I slightly groaned.
"Tank, what the fuck has gotten into you?!" Bobby shouted.
"I suggest you to stay the hell away from Uppercrust. This is your first warning before things get seriously messy for you, Goof," he said before running away.
"Hey.. Hey!! Get back here! Tank!! Get back here!"
I felt Bobby's hand sliding away from my back, and I assume that he was going to chase after him, but I immediately grabbed his arm and looked up at him.
"Don't go after him.. It's not worth it," I let out. Even my throat hurts. How strong is he?
"Jeezs! He really did a number on you.." Bobby said, helping me up.
"Is it bad..?" I asked, my voice all sore and raspy.
"Uhm.. Do you think Bradley would still go out with you with a big.. uh, bruise on your face-" he answered.
I sighed, "It's that bad, huh.."
He stayed quiet but nodded, "We should get you to the nurse office.." he said, wrapping an arm around my waist, and I wrapped an arm around his shoulders so I could stay steady.
"No, just take me back to the room- I have the aid kit that my dad got me.. But, we have to clean the blood off from the floor.."
"Are you actually worried about the floor? Look at you! You're bleeding non stop. We have to go now- After dropping you off at the room, I'll come and clean it up. Hopefully, no know sees it-"
"What happened here-?"
Bobby and I turned our heads to the other side slowly and saw a student standing and looking down at the blood.
"Uh-" I let out, blinking at the student.
"Can I use it? I need blood for a project, and I was on my way to ask someone, but since it's here on the floor.. Do you think that I'm able to have it?"
"Go ahead, man! It's all yours.. Now let's go, Max, before he asks for more blood," Bobby said, and we quickly walked out of there and avoiding people as much as possible back to the room.
. . .
* Can I just say that I love adding drama whenever I can. But, Tank is needed in this story.. And sooner and later you'll know why 😋
I'm sorry for uploading late, I had a busy morning 😔 But hopefully, you enjoyed this chapter.. And, thank you so much for 6.44k reads and all the comments you all have been leaving me as well 🥹! *