22) Middle

25 1 0

Tobio sits on his bed, staring at his phone.  Does he text you?  That's the question that played in his mind over and over.

He stares at your contact name and picture you made, Y/N fav train Budddy, followed by a series of emojis.  The picture of your contact was from above you with the .5 effect on his phone, your forehead looked massive.  He chuckled the first time he had seen the picture, not knowing his phone could do that.

He rolls on his back, grabs his phone, and holds it above his face.

I have to get to bed soon, I should do it now so I don't stay up late.

He texts, hi it's, and then hesitates.  You call him Tobio-chan much to his dismay, but does he say Kageyama?

He decides on, hi and clicks send.

You answer back swiftly. 



I was wondering
when you'd text me

His lips upturn slightly at your quick message, typing out his response.

it was good

I'm glad! 
How was it good?

everyone is super good

He responds dryly, you find it amusing how he's so neutral over text too.

I'd hope so

You start to type but he beats you to it.

how about you

Everyone's so good here too
And friendly

The food is super goof

He sends a typo and you laugh, deciding to run with it because you're an ass.

Supa goof

Shut up
stupid keyboard

omg did you get to warm up td
like with pepper???

We scrimmaged right away

But i like threes too ig

did u do threes with setter or without

wait isn't that like fours then??

i guess so
whos running it for u guys

Japan national coach

Masayoshi Manabe right

Damn u know ur stuff
did u meet anyone interesting

oh yeah
a setter who's really good from inarizaki
A little giant
and the number
two ace in japan

that's awesome
What's a little giant?

Someone who's like
Short but really good at hitting

ohhhh got it
That's really cool
How tall was he?

You'll also like


like 170

I'm taller than him

well ur pretty tall

aw thanks
i wasn't the tallest on
my beach team believe it or not

who was tallest

this girl Mila
sorry like
187 cm or smt
she's insane

i didn't see a mila in the top 20

You smile at your screen, realizing he actually researched you and your team up.  I choose to be flattered and not creeped out.

Yeah she's top 50 though
if u go into specifics she's top like 15 for blocks

what are u?

id have to look it up
it's off-season rn so i should be in
the same place as before
before I'm bumped off completely lol

He doesn't respond for a while and you wonder if he's fallen asleep and scroll on Instagram instead, awaiting his notification.

It comes a few minutes later and you click on his message.

I'm back
I looked it up
You're 13th



idk i thought i was lower
i was 26 last time i checked

well when was that

a while ago lmao

i saw one of your interviews
what language are you speaking

prob french

you speak french?

Lol yeah
It's a pretty well known language in Canada

so u speak three languages
wtf y/n
what's that called

LMAO that's def not it tobio
it's trilingual sweetie

He puts his phone down, Sweetie?  He'd never been called that by a girl, did she mean it like that? No, they just met. Right? He frowned at the now dark screen, seeing himself in his flustered state. What the fuck is wrong with me?

Where'd u go?
Did u fall asleep


lol ok
well we should go to bed
ill talk 2 you tomorrow


He's so interesting, You think as you power your phone off.  I wonder why he and Tooru hate each other so much, I don't think they'd be best friends given the contrast in personalities but then again Iwa and Tooru are polar opposites as well.

You pull your covers up to your chin and snuggle under the comfortable blankets, Eh it doesn't really matter.

And you close your eyes and drift off to the bed.


"You're a morning person huh?"  You say to Sasuki as you walk out of your rooms, she yawns as she flips you off, her sharp black nails making more of an emphasis on the 'fuck you.' 

Violet then walks out, a string of pre-wrap in her hair, holding back the short strands of light brown that fall behind her head. "How the fuck do you have makeup on?"  Sasaki scowls and the other setter beams at her, "I can do your eyeliner if you want!"

"Hell no, I don't want any hearts or rainbows," Violet scrunched up her face, "You know damn well I'd do it the way you like it." 

You chuckle at their antics, making your way downstairs for breakfast. "Morning Y/N, Sasaki, Violet," The darker-skinned girl from yesterday, you found out her name was Rikiyo, greets you all, a different green shirt today.

"Morning, where's Kit?"  The red-haired libero with the sneaky smile, who is always at Rikiyo's side, is nowhere to be found. "Oh she's still doing her hair, her braids aren't braiding or something." The girl shrugs, you all chuckle and get on the line for breakfast.


"Y/N, come try middle."  The assistant coach, a former player on the national team Asato Miyagawa, pulls you by your elbow toward the center of the net.

You shrug at Violet, who tells you she's going to be setting you a quick. You're confident, thinking you know how to run it just by seeing girls do it all the time.

You run up and jump, but you're eight years late and you have to pass the ball over the net. "What the heck?" You mutter, Coach Miya deadpans, "Try again, go earlier." 

Thanks, You want to say back but you hold it in because sassiness means not coachable and that's bad🙄 .

You start early this time, but you're too early, and when you jump and swing you barely tip it over the net.  "Y/N your timing is ass." Kit comments from the other side of the net because she's receiving.  You scowl at her and make your way back to the line, determined this time.  After your third attempt, which was a little bit better contact, Coach Miyagawa claps. "Third time's the charm, right? Keep working on it, and work with Sasuki-san too. You're playing middle in the scrimmage." 

"Kill me now."  You murmur, Violet laughs and pushes the ball cart toward you. "Let's keep repping it noob." 

You blink at her and then rub your eyes, smiling. "You're not real." You say, your words slightly muffled by your hands.

You continue practicing middle, eventually getting the timing down, but now you have to try it in-game.  

"You're late Y/N!"  Sasuki shouts at you, "I'm sorry!"  You cry, running over to try to block Rikiyo at outside.  She tips it over your block and Sasuki pulls off her block to set it up high, "I got it!" You call off whoever was running toward you, and set it to the outside.

The other team receives the hit and you start to stand at the net with Sasuki again, "How are you the most typical middle ever and you just started?" The setter asks rhetorically, "What does that even mean?"  You ask, your words strained as you jump up to block the middle hit. The ball ricochets off of your arms and to the side, the ball barely lands in on the other court and you breathe a sigh of relief.

The girls high-five you but the redhead stares at you, her eyes like slits, "Libero has help missy." Kit says, you put your hands up, "My bad but I called you off, it was right over me." 

She smirks, looking like a fox, "That set was almost illegal.  Let me take it beach."  You roll your eyes, "I see what you did there. Clever."  You say sarcastically, she shrugs and snakes back to her spot on the court.

She's so unsettling, like a cunning predator

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