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Shreya's POV

"Alright... Byee Shreya, see you tomorrow"

"Byee Shreya gotta go early"

My friends in my office said while exiting my cabin.

"Not going home??" One of them asked me on her way out, I shook my head in denial. She nodded and then left.


Home is a cozy blanket of familiarity and comfort. It's like that first cup of caffeine in the morning, or the hug you give a friend after a long day. It's the place where we can relax and let go of our worries, knowing that we are safe and loved.

Home is where the heart is, and where our memories are kept alive like precious heirlooms. It's the place where we can take off our masks and be our true selves. It's a sanctuary where we can find peace and solace in the midst of chaos.

When we leave home, it's like a piece of ourselves goes with us. We carry its warmth and love in our hearts, reminding us of the good times we've shared and the people we've held dear. Home is where we belong, and where we always feel welcome.

But, in my home it was a never the case. I was never welcomed in my home. It was always how I am an unwanted person in there. Except my grandfather, who is always on my side, loving me and making me realise that how much I mean to him.

Other than him no one is fond of me, neither my parents nor my grandmother and I know the reason. Maybe I deserve this but for 22 years?? I pray no one should be treated this way.

I had made a terrible mistake inpast and for what I have done this is what I deserve. The pain I had given them is negligible to mine.

But still I hoped that maybe someday I will also be loved but that hope is being crushed down slowly and slowly.

I shook my head to remove these thoughts and continued my work. After sometime I looked at the clock, It was late so I packed my bag and left the office.

Well, Now let's introduce myself...

I am Shreya Roy, I am 27 years old, I work in a very well known company, I am an aerospace engineer and leader of my team. My family has one mother one father one grandmother and one grandfather. How boring right? So total we are a family of five.

I have one bestfriend and that bitch lives far away from here, but still she is very well aware of whatever is going in my life. I mean come on that's what bestfriend are for.

'Chalo Bhai bahut ho Gaya introduction, let me find my car '

I walked towards the parking lot and looked for my car. I have terrible memory. I don't remember anything at all except some. After finding my car I walked towards my Audi RSQ8. This is my first car which I brought from my own money.

Settling inside the car I drove towards my house. Pulling the car through the drive away I parked in our garage.

It was half past eleven at night and this time only one person will be waiting for me and that is my Dadu.

I opened the door with my keys and as expected there was my old man sitting on the couch watching television in low volume waiting for me.

He turned to look at me and smiled when he heard the door opening. My Dadu is not so old but old. Gray hairs wrinkled face and weak smile but this smile makes my whole day.

I closed the door and walked towards him. I hug him as soon as I sat beside him.

"Kaiso ho aap dadu?? I told you na not to wait for me.." I said side hugging him.

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