Chapter Seven .

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Caly 's POV.

I got up from bed,doing jumping jacks with my head phones on .I then went downstairs to get my protein shake .it was five do no one was awake .

Then I was done ,I took a shower and noticed a goofy picture of me and Brianna under my side table .When I picked it up I smiled remembering when the photo was taken .


"Thanks Caly for bringing me here ,the view is splendid ".

"Your welcome Bri ".I said as we stood in the Eiffel tower".

Then she put her head on my chest and we just enjoyed tbe view together .

"Hey Caly you haven't thought of a name to call me ".

"Cookie ".

"Why cookie well like cookies when you ste cold you are soft and nice,but you are hot you burn ".

"Is that so ".

"Yes ".Then she gave me an arm  punch .She made a goofy face at me when she punched me .

Then I yelled "take the picture".

Then the picture was taken .

"Wait what so there was a camera man tbe wholr time ".

"Yes i am gonna chetsh this "I said smirking at het ,no tell him to delete it .

Tben I yelled again "Yale tbe picture"then the photo was taken .
Brianna and I came down from tbr tower yo see the pics ,I laughed a lot .

"Do you have s knack for taking bad photos of me ".

"Ya I do ,but you look cute ".

"No I don't I look like a baby elephant who got slapped ".

"I know right ,ouch why did you do that "I said as she tapped me on my forehead.

"That's was fot the hideous pic ".

"But I am still keeping it ".

"Ya ,ya whatever ".


I kept laughing at the photo and hugged ,it was the time when Brianna and I were still together.

I started to imagine how life will be if brúanna was still my girlfriend.I stepped out of my fansry world soon ,as I stared at my phone it was a picture of Brianna and Charlie embracing lovingly .

  It made really sad seeing my cookie with another goy.

It was a Saturday so I just stayed in studying and practicing formulas .

It was late in the afternoon,when I heard a door bell ring .

Then mom said "look who is here ".

"Msy I come in ".

"Of course".

"Caly come downtown a guest is here to see you ".

"Coming mom ".

"Hi amber "I said giving her a hug .

"Hey Caly how are you,so I saw this amazing strawberry cake and thought of you ".

"Aww thanks amber you are such a cutie ".

That mafe Amber's heart skip a beat .

"Come on amber let's go to tbe garden ".

"Okay ".

As they were walking in tbe garfem .amber suddenly blurted out.

"I like you Caly "she said realizing what she had just done covered her face with her hands .

"Ohh ,wow thats surprising"then he slowly removed her hand from her faxe .

"You don't have to br weirded out ".

"I don't '.

"Totally, friends like friends all tbe time ".

Caly then gave her a hug .

"Amber your sweet ,charming,nice anf funny but I don't like you in that way ".

She hugged him back and just said "I completely understood".she then began to walk away .

"Amber wait "Caly called out to her .

"Yes "she said as she turned backwatds .

"I know that we can never be a thing but I know what will cheer you up ".

"U thinking what I am thinking "Caly said to her .

"Of course "amber replied .

"Fro yo "they said in unisim .

"I will got the car keys ".

"I will wait for you ".

Caly brought the car keys and they both entered Caly 's car and drove off They them stopped at an ice cream parlor .

"Do you guys have froyo "Caly said .

"Yes ,yes we do "said the cashier.

"We will have two bowls ,oh and also ice cream ss well ".

"Ok it will be there in 10"tbe cashier said .

Caly and amber day down on the seat and began to talk .

"Amber there is the guy in your art class that totally likes you ".

"Who is that ".

"Well it's Daniel ,he totally likes you and came to me yesterday to ask for your number".

"Your just joking ".

'Nope I am dead serious ".

"So do you think you can give him.s chsnce ".

"I guess ".

"Your Froyo is here "the waiter said .

"Thanks "they said in unisim .

"Omg these are good "amber sad .

"I know right "caly said.

Then ended up talking for tbe whole night and by the time they where done it was already 7:00pm so Caly offered to drop off .

When they finally got to amber 's house .

"Bye caly thanks for an amazing day "she said as she closed tbe car door .

"My pleasure 'csly said as he drove .

Maddy peaked from the window as she saw the two say goodbye .

"So hlw did it go ".

"Ya it went pretty average".

"So what did Caly dsy to you ".

"He said that he wanted to br friends".

"I sorry amber ".

"No need to be sorry I just needed to get that off my chest and it feel good and plus he got me ftoyo and ice cream".

"Oww romantic ".

"Maddy stop we are just friends"

Btians's POV

"Iris I'd that really you ".

"Yes my daughter Katie kept saying how could of an actress you are and l wanted you to star in a movie with me".

"Umm I dont know what to say "I said in am exciting tone .

"So is it a yes or a no ".

"Its a yes a million times yes ".

"Oh I best be going see you on set next week ".

"Bye iris '.

"Bye ".when she left I did a happy dance inside of me as I jumped across the the room like a child having a sugar rush .

Sorry for grammar erros guys ☹️

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