Dean- You were at a bar like every other Friday night after work.
It had been a long, tiring day and you thought it couldn't get any worse.
First, when you woke up, you realized you had run out of coffee and didn't have enough time to buy more, then you got to work and your boss was yelling at you for no reason, then there was an hour of traffic when usually it takes 10 minutes to get to the bar from your job.
So, now you just wanted to chill.
"Three more please." you told the bartender.
"Coming right up." he said before turning away.
"I haven't seen you in these parts lately, hot stuff, what's your name?" some drunk guy came up behind you and wrapped his arm around your waist.
You tried to squeeze out, but he just held on tighter.
"Get off me!" You said, slapping his arm while trying to wriggle away.
But he didn't give up.
Instead, he reached down and tried to kiss you.
You screamed.
Your lips were mere inches from his when all of a sudden he is knocked on the floor.
You looked up to see a guy with brown hair and forest green eyes.
You watched him punch the man in the face once more before turning to you.
"Are you alright?" He asked while you were still recovering from having the stranger's hands on you.
"I'm- I'm fine. Thanks to you. What's your name?"
He stuck out his hand for you to shake.
"Dean. Dean Winchester. And you?"
You grabbed his hand and shook it.
"(Y/F/N) (Y/L/N)" you told him.
"I like it." Dean commented and gave you a napkin with some numbers on it.
Above the numbers was 'Dean Winchester' and underneath that 'Call me'.
When you looked up, he was gone.
Sam- You were at the library, reading a book you had just become engrossed in.
You were in a whole other fiction world, so you didn't notice when someone tapped you on the shoulder.
It was not until the third time when you realized that you had to come back to reality.
"Oh-um. I'm sorry. Yes?" You asked the man who was trying to get your attention.
"Is this seat taken?" He asked, referring to the chair across from you.
You looked up to be met with beautiful hazel eyes and got lost in them for a moment.
"What? Oh. No. No, it's not taken. Go ahead."
You watched as he sat down and subtly took in his features.
He had green eyes with splotches of brown in them, long, brown hair that stopped right before his shoulders, a sharp jawline, and was basically the sexiest man you've ever seen.
"What?" He raised his eyebrows at you and you realized you have been staring for a second too long.
"Oh, I'm sorry. It's just that you don't look like the kind of guy that would be into books." You told him.
"You would be surprised. What's your name?" He asked you.
"(Y/N)." you marked your spot in the book you were reading.
"(Y/N), I'm Sam. Sam Winchester. Nice to meet you."
"You too." You responded, shaking his hand.
You felt something in your palm as you pulled away.
'What's this?' You said in your mind.
You opened your hand to reveal a piece of paper with the words 'Be in touch- Sam' and underneath that was a phone number.
Smooth, real smooth.
Once you looked up, you saw Sam going out the door.
Castiel- You had just broken up with your boyfriend (Y/B/N) after you had caught him cheating on you.
It was raining and you had nowhere to go.
So, you sat against a dumpster in an alley and cried.
You kept crying until there were no more tears left.
You were shivering from being cold, wet and heartbroken and just wanted to die.
"I just want to die!" You yelled out loud, even though you knew no one could hear you.
You were contemplating life when you heard a flutter to your left.
'That's weird' you thought.
All of a sudden, a man appeared.
Even in the dark you could see that he had bright azure eyes and was wearing a trench coat with an undone tie.
You shrunk back and hid behind the dumpster, fearing he was a rapist or an axe murderer.
"It's okay. You can come out. I will not hurt you." You heard a deep voice proclaim.
Hesitantly, you slowly stood up and walked away from the dumpster.
"I am here to help you." He said.
The next thing you knew, you were in a different place.
"How did you-" you began but was interrupted by the man in the trench coat.
"Don't worry." He handed you clean clothes that consist of a t-shirt, blue jeans, and underwear.
"You go clean up. I will be here when you get out."
He lead you to the bathroom while you were still thinking 'I was there and now I'm here. What?!'
First chapter is done. Yay!! I hope you liked it. Please vote and comment and whatever. Thanks so much for reading!

Supernatural Preferences and Imagines
FanfictionThe title says it! I will do preferences and imagines for Dean Sam Castiel Jack And other characters if you request!! I will take requests and will do smut Enjoy reading!!!! Requests are: Open I DONT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS AND ALL CREDIT GOES...